City of Houston Planning Commission met met Sept. 19.
Here is the agenda provided by the commission:
Director’s Report
Consideration of the September 5, 2024, Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
I. Platting Activity (Subdivision and Development plats)
a. Consent Subdivision Plats (Ken Calhoun)
b. Replats (Ken Calhoun)
c. Replats requiring Public Hearings with Notification (Dorianne Powe-Phlegm, John Cedillo, Antwanysha Berry, and Aracely Rodriguez)
d. Subdivision Plats with Variance Requests (Aracely Rodriguez, Tammi Williamson, and Geoff Butler)
e. Subdivision Plats with Special Exception Requests (Tammi Williamson)
f. Reconsiderations of Requirement (Tammi Williamson)
g. Extensions of Approval (Antwanysha Berry)
h. Name Changes (Antwanysha Berry)
i. Certificates of Compliance
j. Administrative
k. Development Plats with Variance Requests (Ramon Jaime-Leon)
II. Establish a public hearing date of October 17, 2024
a. Caywood Place
b. Chavez Estates at Red Robin
c. Evergreen Cottages
d. Jones Creek Reserve at McCrary Meadows Sec 2
e. Mangum Square
f. Park Street Views
g. Plaza Estates at England
h. Sunset Place partial replat no 2
i. Villas on Sunbeam Sec 1 partial replat no 1
III. Excuse the Absence of Commissioner Mandapaka
IV. Public Comment
V. Adjournment