Harris County Municipal Management District #1 Board of Directors met Sept. 18.
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
1. Call meeting to order, take attendance and verify a quorum is present.
2. Public comments.
3. Approve minutes.
4. Financial report and bookkeeping matters, including payment of bills and review of investments, cash flow reports, and budget.
5. Assessment and collection report, including collection of delinquent assessments and payment of bills, and report on valuation lawsuits by District assessment payers against the Harris Central Appraisal District.
6. Engineering matters, including approval of any proposals, design authorizations, plans, advertisement for bids, award of contracts, pay estimates and change orders, and final acceptance, as appropriate, for:
a. I-10/Bunker Hill Road U-Turn Improvements;
b. Pedestrian Study for Frostwood Drive; and
c. Pedestrian Study for Gessner Road.
7. District maintenance and repairs, including approval of any pay estimates, change orders, design authorizations, plans, advertisement for bids, solicitation of proposals and award of contracts, related agreements, work authorizations, and permits, as appropriate, including:
a. Conrad Sauer Detention Pond.
8. Approve or terminate District-funded service agreements, contracts and proposals and authorize task orders and payment of invoices under previously approved service agreements, including:
a. Landscaping proposals.
9. Security matters, including:
a. Constable’s report.
10. Executive Director’s Report, including:
a. Community relations update and related proposals;
b. Hiring of temporary employee;
c. Traffic signal box art;
d. District communications; and
e. Service and Improvement Plan and Assessment Plans.
11. President’s Report.
12. Attorney’s Report.
13. Discuss meeting schedule.
14. Convene in Executive Session pursuant to: Section 551.071, Texas Government Code, to seek the advice of its attorney regarding pending or contemplated litigation or to seek and receive legal advice from the District’s attorney; Section 551.074, Texas Government Code, to deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee; and Section 551.076, Texas Government Code, to deliberate the deployment, or specific occasions for implementation, of security personnel or devices, or a security audit.
15. Reconvene in Open Session and authorize appropriate action.
16. Adjourn.