City of Houston Public Safety Committee met Sept. 10

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Tarsha Jackson Council Member - District B | City of Houston

City of Houston Public Safety Committee met Sept. 10.

Here is the agenda provided by the committee:

1. Welcoming remarks

• Amy Peck, Council Member, Chair

• Tarsha Jackson, Council Member, Vice Chair

2. Introductory Remarks:

• HFD Chief, Tom Muñoz

• HPD Chief of Police, J. Noe Diaz

3. Presentation: City Council Budget Amendments (1.01, 12.02, 12.03, 12.04, 3.04)

• Chief of Police, J. Noe Diaz Jr.

• Assistant Chief and Acting Executive Assistant Chief, Patricia Cantu

• Deputy Director, Rhonda Smith

➢ Budget Amendments:

- 1.01 Amendment by Council Member Ramriez: Allocate funds necessary to recruit for and conduct a sixth cadet class for the Houston Police Department (HPD) in an amount not to exceed $4,000,000. Funding shall come first, from cancellation of ShotSpotter contract, second, from existing asset forfeiture funds, and third, any other funds available. Details of expenditure shall be subject to a final detailed expense plan with line-item expenditures agreed upon between HPD and the Mayor's staff.

- 12.02 Amendment by Council Member Huffman: $871,517 shall be transferred from the Unassigned Fund Balance for HPD cadet retention pay (1000010017/501150).

- 12.03 Amendment by Council Member Huffman: $2,200,000 shall be transferred from the Unassigned Fund Balance to the Houston Police Department (1000/1000) for the Employment Program for Retired Officers (EPRO) initiative.

- 12.03 Amendment by Council Member Huffman: $185,000 shall be transferred from the Unassigned Fund Balance to the Houston Police Department (1000/1000) for the creation of ten additional lieutenant positions.

- 3.04 Amendment by Council Member Carter: Explore a potential Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Harris County to provide additional space/facilities to accommodate larger training cadet classes for the Houston Fire and Police Departments.

4. Public comments

• To sign up for public comment, please fill out the form here before 4:00 P.M. on Monday, September 9th, 2024. Please indicate whether you will be speaking virtually or in- person. Public speakers wishing to continue under virtual mode will receive a call-in number that will allow them to speak at their designated time.

Committee meetings are open to the public. For information about this committee, please contact Liz Miranda at, or 832-393-3010
