Brays Oaks Management District Beautification and Urban Design Committee met Aug. 8

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Ralph Rieger, Chairman of the Board | Brays Oaks Management District Website

Brays Oaks Management District Beautification and Urban Design Committee met Aug. 8.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

The Brays Oaks Management District Beautification and Urban Design Committee held a meeting via Zoom video conference on August 08, 2024, at 2:00 PM.

District Board and Committee members present: Cindy Chapman, Sheri Cortez, Ralph Rieger, Jodi Hamilton, Sylvia Rivas

Staff members present: Josh Hawes, Cosme Garcia, Andrea Duhon, Natali Hurtado, Annie Trinh

Public present: Erin Lewandowski – Price Wagener Services, Sonia Chavez – SMC Logistics, Evan Rodriguez – SMC Logistics, Stephen Polnaszek – Neighborhood to Trails, Naomi Ostfeld, Katherine Newton – WWH, Raghu Veturi, Brenda Jackson, Jacinta Davis, Donald Buaku – HPW, Elia Quiles – UpArt, Susan Perron – Judwin Properties, Bill Burhans - WWH

Committee Chair Cindy Chapman called the meeting to order at 2:01 PM, and the committee meeting adjourned at 3:23 PM.


1. Call to order

2. Public Comment

a. No public comments were received.

3. Minutes of 6/06/24 B&UD Committee Meeting

a. Committee meeting minutes were submitted for reference and review.

4. Receive a report on landscaping and porter services from Price Wagener and SMC Logistics for the month of April, and proposals for recommendation to BOMD Board for consideration. 

a. Landscaping - Price Wagener

i. Ms. Lewandowski reviewed the report for Price Wagener for the month of July. Additionally, she reviewed emergency actions the district took after Hurricane Beryl.

ii. Director Cortez inquired if there is an opportunity to do a gateway project at Chimney Rock and Hwy 90. Director Chapman advised this may be a discussion when the district is closer to budget talks.

b. Porter Services - SMC Logistics

i. Ms. Chavez presented the report for SMC Logistics for the month of July. Full report available in committee packet.

5. Field Service Operator Report

a. Mr. Rodriguez presented the FSO report. The detailed report is available in the committee packet.

6. Discussion, Updates and Recommendations

a. Parks & Facilities in BOMD

i. Director Cortez advised that Glenshire Park has issues with trees that may need to be trimmed or limbs removed after the hurricane. Additionally, Director Cortez

advised the committee of debris in a HCFCD ditch. She advised she will share the information with Executive Director Hawes.

ii. Committee Chair Chapman also brought up concerns regarding the HISD mowing schedule and tree maintenance issues in the district’s greenspaces.

b. Willow Waterhole Greenway Conservancy

i. Mr. Burhans introduced WWGC’s new executive director Katherine Newton. Mr. Burhans also gave an update on the status of mowing and condition of trees.

c. Mini Mural Update

i. Ms. Quiles reviewed which cabinets were approved by CoH and the administrative process.

ii. Director of Services Garcia advised that the approved cabinet was recently damaged.

iii. Committee Chair Chapman inquired if Elia knew why CoH wouldn’t approve a location that already had art. Committee Chair Chapman asked if staff can get more information on the locations that were declined.

iv. Executive Director Hawes advised that staff will submit more locations for review to CoH. Further, the mini murals that have reached their end of life may be painted over or cleaned.

d. Bissonnet Corridor Safe Streets Project

i. Mr. Buaku reviewed the project with the committee and answered questions. The planning stage will continue until the end of September, however, there will be opportunities for more feedback during the design phase.

ii. Mr. Veturi reviewed some of the proposed improvements to the corridor and answer questions from the committee.

iii. Committee Chair Chapman advised that Brays Oaks MD has worked with M2L on a streetscape masterplan that may be helpful.

iv. Director Cortez inquired who was going to maintain the 7 miles of the project. Mr. Buaku advised that the city will continue to maintain the areas it’s responsible for.

v. Committee Chair Chapman inquired if this should be a discussion in the board meeting. Executive Director Hawes advised that there are no actions items, but it could certainly be added as a discussion item.

7. Adjourn


• The committee had no recommendations for the board.
