Brays Oaks Management District Beautification and Urban Design Committee will meet Sept. 5.
Here is the agenda provided by the committee:
Notice is hereby given that the Beautification and Urban Design Committee of the Brays Oaks Management District will hold a meeting on Thursday, September 05, 2024 at 2:00 p.m., via videoconference (Zoom) at:
Meeting ID: 836 2478 9286; Password: 980096; or via teleconference at: 1-346-248-7799; open to the public, to consider, discuss, and make recommendations, and take direct actions as may be necessary, desirable, or convenient with respect to the following matters:
1. Call to order
2. Public Comment
3. Minutes of 08/08/24 Beautification and UD Committee Meeting
4. Receive a report on landscaping and porter services from Price Wagener and SMC Logistics and proposals for recommendation to BOMD Board for consideration.
5. Field Service Operator Report
6. Discussion, Updates and Recommendations
a. Parks & Facilities in BOMD
b. Willow Waterhole Greenway Conservancy
c. Mini Mural Update
d. Bissonnet Corridor Safe Streets Project
e. Esplanade Adoption and Maintenance
f. Damaged Curb Removal Project
7. Adjourn