Lone Star Groundwater Conservation District Groundwater Management Area 14 Joint Planning Committee met Aug. 29

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Lone Star Groundwater Conservation District | https://communityimpact.com/houston/the-woodlands/government/2023/01/26/lone-star-groundwater-conservation-district-board-seat-remains-open-pending-future-appointment/

Lone Star Groundwater Conservation District Groundwater Management Area 14 Joint Planning Committee met Aug. 29.

Here is the agenda provided by the committee:

1, Call to order;

2. Confirmation of receipt of posted notices;

3. Welcome and introductions;

4. Public comment;

5. Discussion and possible action to approve minutes of the May 14 2024 Joint Planning

6. Update from Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) and discussion of any related items of interest to GMA 14;

7. Discussion and possible action regarding a centralized GMA14 document repository;

8. Update from Lone Star Groundwater Conservation District regarding progress on the district's coring project and Gulf2023 Model update request;

9. Discussion and possible action regarding the path forward for GMA 14 on the development of the current round of Desired Future Conditions (DFCs) including but not limited to the review and possible approval of request for qualifications (RFQs) developed by the RFQ Committee for the purpose of soliciting a consultant to assist the GMA with preparation and submittal of the DFCS;

10. Discussion and possible action regarding a stakeholder committee / interlocal agreement and participation by the subsidence districts and individual counties within GMA 14;

11. Discussion and possible action regarding next meeting date, location, and agenda items;

12. Meeting Adjourned;

Comments concerning any aspect of this meeting should be directed to Mr. John Martin of the Southeast Texas Groundwater Conservation District, P.O. Box 1407, Jasper, TX 75951; jmartin@setgcd.org or (409) 383-1577.

