Five Corners Improvement District Public Safety Committee will meet July 8

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Vivian Harris, Board Member | Five Corners Improvement District

Five Corners Improvement District Public Safety Committee will meet July 8.

Here is the agenda provided by the committee:

Notice is hereby given that the Public Safety Committee of the Five Corners Improvement District will hold a meeting on Monday, July 8, 2024, at 11:00 am, via videoconference (Zoom) at:, or via teleconference at 1-346-248 7799; Meeting ID: 812 0352 4417; Password: 018345; open to the public to consider, discuss, and make recommendations, and take direct actions as may be necessary, desirable, or convenient with respect to the following matters:


1) Call to Order

2) Public Comment

3) Receive update from Harris County District Attorney’s Office.

4) Discuss Nuisance Abatement Program

5) Consider Flock Cameras Proposal

6) Receive HPD monthly Crime Analysis

7) Receive Ark of Safety Security monthly report.

8) Security Camera Locations

a. SMC Game Camera Report

b. Discuss SMC proposal on cameras purchase.

9) District Graffiti Abatement Report

10) Adjournment

As a result of the current COVID-19 virus epidemic emergency, the convening at one location of a quorum of the Committee or Board is difficult or impossible. Therefore, the Committee or Board will conduct this meeting by telephone conference call rather than by physical quorum pursuant to Texas Government Code Sec. 551.125 and guidance of the Governor of the State of Texas. Members of the public are entitled to participate and address the Board during the telephonic meeting. In all respects, this meeting will be open to the public and compliant with applicable law and guidance of the Governor of the State of Texas. An electronic copy of the agenda packet (which consists of the regular reports presented to the Committee or Board by its consultants) can be found at:
