Houston Firefighters Relief and Retirement Fund Memorial Committee met May 28

Webp 7
Pete Ng - Position IV | Houston Firefighters Relief and Retirement Fund

Houston Firefighters Relief and Retirement Fund Memorial Committee met May 28.

Here are the minutes provided by the Committee:

A meeting of the Memorial Committee of the Houston Firefighters’ Relief and Retirement Fund convened at the Fund offices at 4225 Interwood North Parkway, on Tuesday, May 28, 2024, at 10:37 a.m. 

Committee members present were David O. Lantrip (Committee Chair), Lisa R. Slagle, and Edward Llewellyn. Also present were Trustees Brett R. Besselman, Gerard L. Daniels, Earnest Wotring, and staff members Timothy Schauer (Executive Director), Ajit Singh (Chief Investment Officer), Claudia McInnis (Director of Finance and Administration), Dalia De La Cruz (Director of Member Services), John D. Moore II (Director of Technology and Building Services), and Adam Smith (General Counsel). 

The Committee Chair called the meeting to order at 10:37 a.m. and invited comments from the public. No comments were received. 

The Committee Chair provided a Memorial bench update noting that twenty-two (22) benches have been sold and installed in the Memorial Garden. There are two (2) benches sold and in the vendor’s possession waiting to be inscribed and installed; two (2) bench applications are waiting to be approved by the Memorial Committee at this meeting, leaving four (4) benches available for sale after approval of today’s two (2) bench inscription applications. 

The Committee reviewed the inscriptions and after some discussion, there was a motion by Lisa R. Slagle, seconded by Edward Llewellyn, to approve the bench inscriptions, as presented. The motion carried. 

The meeting adjourned at 10:39 a.m., on a motion by Edward Llewellyn, seconded by Lisa R. Slagle. The motion carried.

