Houston Firefighters Relief and Retirement Fund Investment Committee met May 28

Webp 6
David Riegor - Position II | Houston Firefighters Relief and Retirement Fund

Houston Firefighters Relief and Retirement Fund Investment Committee met May 28.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

A meeting of the Investment Committee of the whole Board of Trustees convened at the Houston Firefighters' Relief and Retirement Fund (HFRRF) offices at 4225 Interwood North Parkway, Houston, Texas 77032 on Tuesday, May 28, 2024, at 11:22 a.m.

Trustees present were Brett R. Besselman (Chair), David O. Lantrip (Vice Chair), Lisa R. Slagle, Gerard L. Daniels, Edward Llewellyn, and Earnest W. Wotring. Trustees absent were Pete Ng, David Riegor, Albertino Mays, and Arif Rasheed. Also, present were staff members Timothy Schauer (Executive Director), Adam E. Smith (General Counsel), Ajit Singh, Chief Investment Officer (CIO), and Ryan Splawn, Senior Investment Officer (SIO).

The Chair called the meeting to order at 11:22 a.m. and invited comments from the public. No comments were received.

The SIO presented an overview of the proposed investment with Atalaya Special Opportunities Fund IX LP.

There was a motion by Gerard L. Daniels, seconded by David O. Lantrip, to authorize the CIO to commit up to 30 million USD in Atalaya Special Opportunities Fund IX, LP, a closed-end private credit partnership, pending final diligence and contract discussions. The motion carried.

The CIO reviewed the Allocation and Activity Summary showing the estimated market value of the Fund’s assets as of May 14, 2024, to be approximately $5.327 billion. The Board noted that for Fiscal Year 2024 ending May 14, 2024, the estimated rate of return was 8.19%. The CIO then reviewed the Fiscal Year 2024 Private Markets Strategy report, and the monthly investment actions taken.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 11:47 a.m. on a motion by Earnest W. Wotring, seconded by David O. Lantrip. The motion carried.

