Houston Firefighters Relief and Retirement Fund Pension Benefits Committee met May 28

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Ed Llewelyn - Position III-elect | Houston Firefighters Relief and Retirement Fund

Houston Firefighters Relief and Retirement Fund Pension Benefits Committee met May 28.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

A meeting of the Pension Benefits Committee convened at the Fund office at 4225 Interwood North Parkway, Houston, Texas 77032 on Tuesday, May 28, 2024, at 9:00 A.M.

Committee members present were Brett R. Besselman (Chair), David O. Lantrip, Edward Llewellyn, and Gerard L. Daniels. Committee members absent were Pete Ng, David Riegor and Albertino Mays. Also, present were Trustee’s Lisa R. Slagle, staff members Timothy Schauer (Executive Director), Dalia De La Cruz (Director of Member Services), and Adam Smith (General Counsel).

The Chair of the Committee called the meeting to order and invited comments from the public. No comments were received.

The Director of Member Services reviewed the Deferred Retirement Option Plan (DROP) applications effective June 1, 2024.

There was a motion by, Gerard L. Daniels, seconded by David O. Lantrip, to approve the Deferred Retirement Option Plan (DROP) applications effective June 1, 2024, as presented. The motion carried.

The Chair announced that the Committee was going into closed session under Government Code 551.078 to deliberate on medical records regarding (i) applications for disability benefits under Section 6(b) of the statute, and as shown on Member Services Reports (1 and 2), and (ii) application(s) for survivor benefits for a disabled child of a deceased member as shown on Member Services Report (3). The Committee went into closed session at 9:01 A.M.

The Committee came out of closed session and resumed open session, the Chair so announcing at 9:30 A.M.

There was a motion by Edward Llewellyn, seconded by Gerard L. Daniels, to approve the application for disability retirement in Member Services Report (1). The motion carried.

There was a motion by David O. Lantrip, seconded by Gerard L. Daniels, to approve the application for disability retirement, as noted on Member Services Report (2), with a medical reexamination in 12 months. The motion carried.

There was a motion by Gerard L. Daniels, seconded by David O. Lantrip, to approve the application for survivor benefits for a disabled child in Member Services Report (3). The motion carried.

The Director of Member Services discussed applications for service retirement.

There was a motion David O. Lantrip, seconded by Edward Llewellyn, to approve the application for service retirement, as noted in Member Services Report (4, 5, 6 and 7). The motion carried.

The Director of Member Services discussed an application for deferred retirement.

There was a motion Gerard L. Daniels, seconded by David O. Lantrip, to approve the application for deferred retirement, as noted in Member Services Report (8). The motion carried.

The Director of Member Services gave an update on the reporting of the 2023 employment activities and earnings verification. She noted there were 5 retirees and 1 adult beneficiary who are not in compliance. The members' benefit payments will be suspended beginning in May and will not be paid until the required documents have been submitted.

There was a motion by Gerard L. Daniels, seconded by David O. Lantrip, to suspend benefit payment beginning in May for any beneficiary not in compliance with the submission of their 2023 employment activities and earnings verification. The motion carried.

The Director of Member Services presented, and the Committee noted new members were automatically admitted into the Fund as shown in the Member Services Report (9 and 10).

The Committee noted survivor(s) receiving benefits, members(s) exiting the DROP and members(s) receiving a refund of contributions.

There being no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 9:35 A.M. on a motion by David O. Lantrip, seconded by Gerard L. Daniels. The motion carried.

