Houston First Corporation Board of Directors met June 27

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Michael Heckman, President & Chief Executive Officer | The Business Journal

Houston First Corporation Board of Directors met June 27.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

I. Call to Order

II. Public Comments

III. Minutes: May 2, 2024

IV. Presentations, Reports, and Updates

A. Chairman’s Remarks

B. President & CEO Report

C. Financial Report

V. Board Business

A. Consideration and possible approval of a resolution accepting the annual Financial Audit Report for the Corporation for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2023.

B. Consideration and possible approval of a resolution authorizing participation in the Local Government Investment Cooperative (LOGIC) and appointing Frank Wilson and Karen Williams as authorized representatives in connection with LOGIC and the Texas Short-Term Asset Reserve Fund (TexSTAR).

C. Consideration and possible approval of a resolution approving a Security Services Agreement with TriCorps Security, Inc.

D. Consideration and possible approval of a general authority resolution authorizing execution of contracts and taking other action in regard thereto.

E. Consideration and possible approval of a resolution approving a Development Management Agreement with Hines Interests Limited Partnership.

F. Consideration and possible approval of a resolution authorizing the Construction Manager-at-Risk method for construction-contractor selection for the George R. Brown Convention Center and Convention District Transformation Projects.

VI. Executive Session

Executive (closed) session pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.071 for the purpose of consultation with an attorney.

VII. Adjourn

