City of Houston Service Delivery Committee met June 26

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Abbie Kamin, Council Member - District C | City of Houston Website

City of Houston Service Delivery Committee met June 26.

Here is the agenda provided by the committee:

1. Welcoming remarks 

Council Member Tarsha Jackson, Chair, Service Delivery Committee 

Council Member Julian Ramirez, Vice Chair, Service Delivery Committee 

2. Presentation on garbage, recycling, bulk and tree waste collections 

Director Mark Wilfalk, Solid Waste Management 

3. Update on Illegal Dumping 

Sgt. Geaslin, Constable Alan Rosen’s Office 

4. Presentation of Quarterly Report - E-Waste 

Sara Tyler, Houston Clean City Commissioner 

4. Public Comments 

To sign up for public comment, please call the District B office at (832) 393-3009 or fill out this form before 5 p.m., Tuesday, June 25, 2024. Public comment will only be accepted in person.
