Houston First Corporation Finance and Asset Management Committee met June 25

Webp 14
Desrye M. Morgan, Vice Chair of the Board | Linkedin

Houston First Corporation Finance and Asset Management Committee met June 25.

Here is the agenda provided by the committee:

I. Call to Order

II. Public Comments

III. Presentations, Reports, and Updates

A. Financial Report

IV. Committee Business

A. Consideration and possible recommendation of a resolution accepting the annual Financial Audit Report for the Corporation for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2023.

B. Consideration and possible recommendation of a resolution authorizing participation in the Local Government Investment Cooperative (LOGIC) and appointing Frank Wilson and Karen Williams as authorized representatives in connection with LOGIC and the Texas Short-Term Asset Reserve Fund (TexSTAR).

C. Consideration and possible recommendation of a resolution approving a Security Services Agreement with TriCorps Security, Inc.

D. Consideration and possible recommendation of a resolution approving a Development Management Agreement with Hines Interests Limited Partnership.

E. Consideration and possible recommendation of a resolution authorizing the Construction Manager-at-Risk method for construction-contractor selection for the George R. Brown Convention Center and Convention District Transformation Projects.

V. Adjourn

