City of Houston Tower Commission met June 24

Webp 1
Tarsha Jackson Council Member - District B | City of Houston

City of Houston Tower Commission met June 24.

Here is the agenda provided by the commission:

Call to Order

Secretary’s Report

I. Consideration of the March 25th, 2024 Tower Commission Meeting Minutes

II. Public hearing and consideration of waiver requests:

A. 24-T-0763 8197 2/3 Broadway Street

28‐524(h) & (b) Allow construction of a tower within 1,000' of an existing tower and to allow a tower to be located with a residential test area

B. 24-T-0764 8109 2/3 Creekbend Drive

28‐524(g) Allow construction of a tower in a residential setback area

C. 23-T-0761 23705 2/3 Fairlake Lane

28‐524(g) Allow construction of a tower in a residential setback area “Fallzone”.

III. Public Comment

IV. Adjournment

The Tower Commission reserves the right to convene in Executive Session as authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Gov’t Code Chapter 551, under any applicable exception thereto, including but not limited to Sec. 551.071, Consultation with Attorney
