Lone Star Groundwater Conservation District Board of Directors met May 14

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Lone Star Groundwater Conservation District | https://communityimpact.com/houston/the-woodlands/government/2023/01/26/lone-star-groundwater-conservation-district-board-seat-remains-open-pending-future-appointment/

Lone Star Groundwater Conservation District Board of Directors met May 14.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:


The Board of Directors of the Lone Star Groundwater Conservation District ("District") met in regular session, open to the public and held in person in the Lone Star GCD – James B. "Jim" Wesley Board Room located at 655 Conroe Park North Drive, Conroe, Texas, and remotely via the publicly accessible webinar/telephone conference call within the boundaries of the District on May 14, 2024.


President Spigener called to order the Public Hearing on Permit Applications at 6:00 PM announcing the meeting open to the public.


The roll was called of the members of the Board of Directors, to wit:

Jim Spigener

Janice Thigpen

Jonathan Prykryl

Jon Paul Bouché

Garry Dent

Five members of the Board were present, thus constituting a quorum of the Board of Directors. In attendance at said meeting were Sarah Kouba, General Manager; Tiffany White, Director of Operations; Kirstin Hein, Permitting Director; Justin Saenz, Education & Conservation Coordinator; Stacey Reese, District Counsel; Chris Drabek, District Technical Consultant, (virtual); Mike Keester, District Technical Consultant (virtual); and members of the public. Copies of the public sign-in sheets and comment cards received are attached hereto as Exhibit "A".

Director Bouché led prayer and Director Dent lead the United States and Texas pledges.


No comments were received.


President Spigner asked if there were any requests to contest. Ms. Kouba confirmed there were no requests to contest any application listed.

Ms. Kouba provided an overview of the five applications listed. Applications numbered 1-4 included applications that are considered administratively complete and have been reviewed by District Staff. No hydrogeological reports were required for those items and they comply with the District's Spacing Rules. The General Manager has reviewed these applications, and it is her recommendation that the Board grant those which is requested for Items 1-4.

Director Bouché moved to approve that which is requested for Items 1-4. Secretary Thigpen seconded the motion. President Spigener called for a voice vote. Motion passed.

i. Heidelberg Materials Southwest Agg LLC (Lessee Porter Ready Mix), for a proposed new operating permit not to exceed 6.635 mg annually, and for proposed well to be drilled at 17146 N Hwy 75, Willis, Industrial and Commercial Use, District Aquifer: Chico/Evangeline (CHEV), (Driller of record: Scott Drilling Inc.); and

ii. DGOGMagnoliatx07122023, LLC, for a proposed new operating permit not to exceed 0.6 mg annually, and for a proposed well to be drilled at 24911 Nichols Sawmill Rd., Magnolia, Commercial Use, District Aquifer: Chicot/Evangeline (CHEV), (Driller of record: To be determined); and

iii. Onsite Diesel, for a proposed amendment to OP-22030701-CHEV for increase of 0.04 for annual allocation not to exceed 0.10 mg annually for well located at 12110 FM 2432, Willis, Commercial Use, District Aquifer: Chicot/Evangeline (CHEV); and

iv. King Ranch Ag & Turf, for a proposed amendment to OP03-0008C-CHEV for increase of 0.02 for annual allocation not to exceed 0.1075 mg annually for well located at 1650 North Loop 336 East, Conroe, Commercial Use, District Aquifer: Chicot/Evangeline (CHEV); and

Ms. Kouba provided an overview of application number 5. Due to the volume of water requested, Ms. Kouba requested the Board's consideration of the permit or permit conditions upon approval. The applicant was requesting a new public water supply permit to serve 1069 residential connections and 60 commercial connections. The annual allocation for the permit would be 208,700,000 gallons. A hydrogeological report due to the well system capable of producing more than 700 GPM. Ms. Kouba confirmed this application has gone through the District review process and all submitted modeling, parameters, and results have met all requirements as defined by the District's Hydrogeological Report Guidelines and District Spacing Rule Requirements

Director Bouché asked Ms. Kouba if application 5 was administratively complete. Ms. Kouba stated that they had met the requirements of the District Rules, and Ms. Kouba was bringing Item 5 to the attention of the Board due to the volume of water requested in the application.

Director Bouché made the motion to approve that which is requested for application number 5 and Director Dent seconded. President Spigener called for a voice vote. Motion passed.

v. Lennar Homes of Texas Land and Construction, Ltd. dba Friendswood Development Co. (East Montgomery County MUD 13A), for a proposed new operating permit not to exceed 208.7 mg annually, and for 2 proposed wells to be drilled at 1⁄2 mile east of intersection of Harrington Dr and SH 242, Conroe, (Lat 30/13/8 Long -95/13/58), and 1⁄2 mile east of intersection of Harrington Dr and SH 242, Conroe (Lat 30/13/9 Long -95/13/57), hydrogeological report submitted with application, Public Water Supply (PWS) and Irrigation Use, District Aquifer: Chicot/Evangeline (CHEV), (Driller of record: To be determined).


Director Bouché moved to adjourn the May 14th, 2024, Public Hearing on Permit Applications and Director Dent seconded the motion. Motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 6:07 pm.

