Five Corners Improvement District Board of Directors will meet June 21

Webp 7
Nina Springer, Board Member | Five Corners Improvement District

Five Corners Improvement District Board of Directors will meet June 21.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

NOTICE is hereby given that a regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Five Corners Improvement District will be held on Friday, June 21, 2024, at 12:00 p.m., at the Fountain Life Center, 14083 Main St., Houston, Texas, 77035; open to the public, to consider, discuss and adopt such orders, resolutions or motions, and take other direct or indirect actions as may be necessary, convenient, or desirable with respect to the following matters:


1. Determine quorum; call meeting to order. 

2. Receive public comments. (A statement of no more than 3 minutes may be made on items of general relevance. There will be no yielding of time to another person. State law prohibits the Board Chair or members of the Board from commenting on any statement or engaging in dialogue without an appropriate agenda item being posted in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Law. Comments should be directed to the entire Board, not individual members. Engaging in verbal attacks or comments intended to insult, abuse, malign or slander any individual shall be cause for termination of time privileges.)

3. Approved revised minutes of meeting held on March 15, 2024.

4. Approve minutes of meeting held April 19, 2024.

5. Accept Annual Disclosure Statements from Investment Officer and Bookkeeper.

6. Conduct annual review of Investment Policy and Adopt Resolution Regarding Annual Review of Investment Policy and List of Qualified Broker/Dealers.

7. Approve FY2023 Annual Financial Report and Audit from McCall Gibson Swedlund Barfoot PLLC.

8. Receive Assessment Collection Report.

9. Receive Bookkeeper’s report and approve invoices for payment.

10. Receive update from the Public Safety Committee.

11. Receive update from Economic Development Committee.

12. Receive update from the Environmental and Urban Design Committee.

a. Consider amendment to Smartscaping contract.

b. Consider reimbursement not to exceed $1,000 for US EPA Region 6 Brownfields Conference.

c. Consider maintenance agreement with the city for public art.

d. Receive update on TIRZ 9 and TIRZ 25 projects.

13. Receive General Manager’s Report.

14. Adjournment
