Brays Oaks Management District Business & Economic Development Committee met May 1

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Ralph Rieger, Chairman of the Board | Brays Oaks Management District Website

Brays Oaks Management District Business & Economic Development Committee met May 1.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

The Brays Oaks Management District Business and Economic Development Committee held a meeting via Zoom video conference on May 01, 2024, at 10:00 am.

District Board and Committee members present: Sheri Cortez, Ralph Rieger

Staff members present: Xavier Herrera, Josh Hawes, Cosme Garcia, Alan Bernstein

Public present: Sylvester L. (Skip) Reeder III, Shavonnah Roberts Schreiber – SNR Creative, Cynthia Demery, Brenda Jackson, Ronnie Plotkin, Vinitha Vasudevan – India House

Committee Chair Sheri Cortez called the meeting to order at 10:04 AM, and the committee meeting adjourned at 10:32 AM.


1. Call to Order

2. Public Comment

a. No public comments were received.

3. Minutes of 4/03/24 B&ED Committee Meeting

a. Committee meeting minutes submitted for reference.

4. District Updates & Recommendations

a. Development Properties

i. Executive Director Herrera advised the committee that staff sent a letter of inquiry to the developer of the property across from the Raindrop Foundation.

ii. Executive Director Herrera mentioned that construction is ongoing at the gas station on S. Post Oak and Willow.

iii. Committee Chair Cortez advised that construction is ongoing at Brays Oaks Crossing.

iv. Committee Chair Cortez also mentioned the construction of a small restroom on W. Bellfort as part of a food truck parking lot.

b. Ruffino Redevelopment

i. Mr. Reeder did not have any updates.

c. Branding – SNR Creative

i. Ms. Schreiber advised that they are working on a brochure and should have something for the district to review by the week of May 13th. Additionally, SNR will forward an opportunity to advertise on ESPN radio.

d. Permits & Platting

1. Permits

a. Executive Director Herrera reported the number of residential and commercial permits for the month of April.

i. Detailed report available in committee packet.

ii. Director Cortez advised that project 23117874 may be an incorrect address, as Google Maps indicates this is a residence. Executive Director Herrera indicated that he believed this was going to be the location of Yes Prep Brays Oaks Elementary. Ms. Jackson confirmed that Yes Prep has 9060 Benning Dr. listed as the future location of Yes Prep Brays Oaks Elementary.

iii. Chairman Rieger inquired if any new permitting activity is available for the property at 9106 Hillcroft. Executive

Director Herrera advised that staff has forwarded the concern to HPD DRT.

2. Platting

a. Executive Director Herrera reported no new platting activity for the month of April.

i. Detailed report available in committee packet.

e. Business PIP

i. Committee Chair Cortez advised that she is coordinating with HPD on a PIP which will include TABC.

f. Business Incentives Program

i. Executive Director Herrera advised that BOMD recognized Teotihuacan Mexican Café.

ii. Committee Chair Cortez reminded the committee that BOMD will work to recognize the Swim Houston Aquatics Center.

iii. Chairman Rieger asked if BOMD has worked with WWGC regarding their outreach efforts. Mr. Bernstein advised that the district would be happy to amplify any messages WWGC may have.

5. Adjourn


• The committee had no recommendations.
