Lone Star Groundwater Conservation District Board of Directors met April 9

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Lone Star Groundwater Conservation District | https://communityimpact.com/houston/the-woodlands/government/2023/01/26/lone-star-groundwater-conservation-district-board-seat-remains-open-pending-future-appointment/

Lone Star Groundwater Conservation District Board of Directors met April 9.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The Board of Directors of the Lone Star Groundwater Conservation District ("District") met in a Special Meeting, open to the public and held in person in the Lone Star GCD - James B. "Jim" Wesley Board Room located at 655 Conroe Park North Drive, Conroe, Texas, and remotely via the publicly accessible webinar/telephone conference call within the boundaries of the District on April 9, 2024.


President Spigener called to order the Public Hearing on Permit Applications at 4:04 PM announcing the meeting open to the public.


The roll was called of the members of the Board of Directors, to wit:

Jim Spigener

Janice Thigpen

Jonathan Prykryl (Virtual)

Jon Paul Bouché

Garry Dent

Stuart Traylor

Six members of the Board were present, thus constituting a quorum of the Board of Directors. In attendance at said meeting were Sarah Kouba, General Manager; Tiffany White, Director of Operations; Kirstin Hein, Permitting Director; Justin Saenz, Education & Conservation Coordinator; Stacey Reese, District General Counsel, and members of the public. Copies of the public sign-in sheets and comment cards received are attached hereto as Exhibit "A".

Director Bouché led prayer and Secretary Thigpen lead the United States and Texas pledges.


No comments were received.


The Board recessed at 4:08 PM into a closed Executive Session pursuant to Texas Government Code, Sections 551.074 to discuss personnel matters and annual review of the General Manager, and 551.071 to consult with the District's attorney regarding pending or contemplated litigation, settlement offers, or on matters in which the duty of the attorney to the governmental body under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551,Government Code regarding any agenda item on any of the Board meetings or hearing posted for today. Vice President Traylor joined the meeting during Executive Session.


Following Executive Session, the Board reconvened in Open Session and President Spigener declared it open to the public at 5:07PM


President Spigner moved the Board of Directors to authorize general counsel full authority send a response and negotiate a resolution software company consistent with discussion they had in Executive Session. Director Bouché seconded the motion. President Spigner asked if there were any questions from the members of the Board of Directors. There were no questions. President Spigner called for a voice vote, motion passed.


There being no further business Vice President Traylor moved to adjourn the meeting and Treasurer Prykryl seconded the motion. President Spigner called for a voice vote, motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 5:09 PM.

