Lone Star Groundwater Conservation District Board of Directors met April 9

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Lone Star Groundwater Conservation District | https://communityimpact.com/houston/the-woodlands/government/2023/01/26/lone-star-groundwater-conservation-district-board-seat-remains-open-pending-future-appointment/

Lone Star Groundwater Conservation District Board of Directors met April 9.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:


1. Call to Order and Declare Hearing Open to the Public

2. Roll Call

3. Prayer and Pledges of Allegiance

4. Any Public Comments or Requests to Contest and General Manager Permit Hearing Report and Recommendation on Granting, Denying, or Amending Applications for the following Operating Permits and/or Meter Exemptions:

i. Lineage Properties, LLC, for a proposed new operating permit not to exceed 0.075 mg annually, and for a proposed well to be drilled at 4010 Pinehurst Meadow, Magnolia, Commercial use, District Aquifer: Evangeline (CHEV), (Driller of record: Ricky Bonds Water Wells); and

ii. Thriving Botanicals, LLC, for a proposed new operating permit not to exceed 0.548 mg annually for 1 existing well not permitted with the District located at 15195 Willis Waukegan Rd., Cut & Shoot, and 1 proposed well to be drilled at 15195 Willis Waukegan Rd., Cut & Shoot, Irrigation and Commercial use, District Aquifer: Evangeline (CHEV), (Driller of record: Ricky Bonds Water Wells); and

iii. T.N.M. Corporation, for a proposed amendment to OPAG-22092701-CHEV, increase of 2.253897 mg annually, 18810 Turtle Creek, Magnolia, Irrigation (Agriculture) use, District Aquifer: Evangeline (CHEV); and

iv. BHOLD Investments, LP, for a proposed amendment to OP-24010802-CHEV for 1 well to be drilled at 3619 Honea Egypt Rd, Montgomery, Irrigation and Commercial use, District Aquifer: Evangeline (CHEV), (Driller of Record: Hildebrandt Drilling, LLC); and

v. Magnolia Woods MUD 1, for a proposed new operating permit not to exceed 93.414944 mg annually and for 1 proposed Evangeline well to be drilled at 2285 FM 1486, Montgomery, Public Water Supply (PWS) use, District Aquifer: Evangeline (CHEV), (Driller of record: TBD); and

vi. Westwood North Water Supply, for a proposed amendment to OP- 05110102G-CHEV, increase of 63.85 mg annually, 406 Macintosh Dr., and 6311 Palmer Court, Magnolia, hydrogeological report submitted with Groundwater Conservation application, Public Water Supply (PWS) and Commercial use, District Aquifer: Chicot (CHEV).

5. Discussion, consideration, and possible action on the following Operating Permits and/or Meter Exemptions:

i. Lineage Properties, LLC, for a proposed new operating permit not to exceed 0.075 mg annually, and for a proposed well to be drilled at 4010 Pinehurst Meadow, Magnolia, Commercial use, District Aquifer: Evangeline (CHEV), (Driller of record: Ricky Bonds Water Wells); and

ii. Thriving Botanicals, LLC, for a proposed new operating permit not to exceed 0.548 mg annually for 1 existing well not permitted with the District located at 15195 Willis Waukegan Rd., Cut & Shoot, and 1 proposed well to be drilled at 15195 Willis Waukegan Rd., Cut & Shoot, Irrigation and Commercial use, District Aquifer: Evangeline (CHEV), (Driller of record: Ricky Bonds Water Wells); and

iii. T.N.M. Corporation, for a proposed amendment to OPAG-22092701-CHEV, increase of 2.253897 mg annually, 18810 Turtle Creek, Magnolia, Irrigation (Agriculture) use, District Aquifer: Evangeline (CHEV); and

iv. BHOLD Investments, LP, for a proposed amendment to OP-24010802-CHEV for 1 well to be drilled at 3619 Honea Egypt Rd, Montgomery, Irrigation and Commercial use, District Aquifer: Evangeline (CHEV), (Driller of Record: Hildebrandt Drilling, LLC); and

v. Magnolia Woods MUD 1, for a proposed new operating permit not to exceed 93.414944 mg annually and for 1 proposed Evangeline well to be drilled at 2285 FM 1486, Montgomery, Public Water Supply (PWS) use, District Aquifer: Evangeline (CHEV), (Driller of record: TBD); and

vi. Westwood North Water Supply, for a proposed amendment to OP-05110102G-CHEV, increase of 63.85 mg annually, 406 Macintosh Dr., and 6311 Palmer Court, Magnolia, hydrogeological report submitted with application, Public Water Supply (PWS) and Commercial use, District Aquifer: Chicot (CHEV).

6. Adjourn or continue permit hearing in whole or in part.

