Brays Oaks Management District Infrastructure Committee met Feb. 7

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Sylvia Rivas, Brays Oaks Management District Board Member, receives volunteer award from Dr. Pretta VanDible Stallworth, Houston Community College Trustee | Brays Oaks Management District Website

Brays Oaks Management District Infrastructure Committee met Feb. 7.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

The Brays Oaks Management District Infrastructure Committee held a meeting via Zoom video conference on February 08, 2024, at 3:30 PM.

District Board and Committee members present: Etan Mirwis, Ralph Rieger, Sheri Cortez Staff members present: Xavier Herrera, Cosme Garcia

Public present: Taylor Risien – Gauge Engineering, Naomi Ostfeld, Bill Burhans – WWGC, Sylvester L. Reeder III – Houston One Voice, Brenda Jackson, Karen Rogers – M2L, Ronnie Plotkin, Jerry Helfand, Paresh Lad - CoH

Committee Chair Etan Mirwis called the meeting to order at 3:30 PM, and the committee meeting adjourned at 4:38 PM.


1. Call to order

2. Public Comment

a. Mr. Polnaszek advised he would be meeting with HCP1 and invited members to attend.

b. Committee Chair Mirwis advised the committee that McGee Lane is experiencing flooding.

3. Minutes of 1/11/2024 Infrastructure Committee Meeting

a. Committee meeting minutes submitted for reference and review.

4. Updates & Recommendations

a. Fondren Rd. Project

i. Ms. Rogers advised that Stephen Campagna has retired and she is not in contact with the new PM assigned to the project. An updated schedule is under review by TxDOT. Ms. Rogers is working to schedule a meeting with CoH within the next two weeks. A public engagement group will contact BOMD in the future to schedule further meetings.

ii. Ms. Ostfeld inquired if the public engagement group will engage the entire community. Ms. Rogers advised she would inquire with the city and requested

Ms. Ostfeld advise which community stakeholders needed to be notified.

iii. Director Cortez advised that she would be happy to share her notes regarding the history of public engagement.

b. Ruffino Detention Project

i. Mr. Reeder gave an update on Houston One Voice’s grant application for technical assistance.

ii. Mr. Paresh asked Mr. Reeder if Houston One Voice has coordinated with anyone with the city. Mr. Reeder advised that they have not coordinated with Public Works.

iii. Committee Chair Mirwis requested that Mr. Reeder keep the district informed of their meeting schedule.

iv. Committee Chair Mirwis inquired as to what Mr. Reeder defined as administrative costs. Mr. Reeder advised administrative costs are related to Houston One Voice’s expenses for travel, phones, and other human resource related costs.

v. Director Cortez inquired as to what the administrative costs would be. Mr. Reeder advised that he was not prepared to share it, however, he advised that administrative costs were paid for by the TIRZ in the past.

c. Presentation from CoH Transportation and Drainage Operations

i. Mr. Lad advised that 11810 Chimney Rock property design is at 90% and it will include a detention basin. The Spring Village Apartment property has been vacated and demolition should start in the next two months. Committee Chair Mirwis inquired if a plan of the project is available. Mr. Lad advised he will forward the available plan to Executive Director Herrerra. Mr. Lad answered question from the committee.

ii. Mr. Lad advised that Spellman Basin design is complete and is going to council within the next month and construction timelines should be available soon.

iii. Mr. Lad advised that 9100 Fondren will be a GLO funded CIP project to serve as detention and is in the design phase. Committee Chair Mirwis inquired about the timeline and when input could be given. Mr. Lad advised that he will start the conversation with the design team, but believed it would be near the end of the year.

5. Update on Willow Waterhole Greenway trail project

a. Westbury Lake Trails

i. Mr. Burhans gave an update for the month of January. Additionally, he advised that April 13th would be the ribbon cutting with Commissioner Ellis.

ii. Committee Chair Mirwis inquired if a publicity piece is being prepared to distribute to the community. Mr. Burhans advised that WWGC is working on the marketing and notice piece.

b. West of S. Post Oak

i. Mr. Risien gave an update on the trails West of S. Post Oak; 2.8 miles of trails; construction started on Triangle, Scout, and Heron lakes. Substantial completion should be by April.

c. East of S. Post Oak

i. Mr. Risien gave an update on the trails East of S. Post Oak. Mr. Burhans advised that each trail will have a ribbon cutting.

6. Adjourn


• The committee had no recommendations.
