Lone Star Groundwater Conservation District Groundwater Management Area 14 Joint Planning Committee met Feb. 29

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Lone Star Groundwater Conservation District Groundwater Management Area 14 Joint Planning Committee met Feb. 29.

Here is the agenda provided by the committee:

The items of business to be considered and transacted during the meeting are as follows:

Call to order;

Confirmation of receipt of posted notices;

Welcome and introductions;

Public comment;

Discussion and possible action to approve minutes of the UN BON 14 Joint Planning Meeting;

Update from Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) and discussion of any related items of interest to GMA 14;

Presentation by Lone Star Groundwater Conservation District regarding assessment of water levels in GMA 14;

Update from Lone Star Groundwater Conservation District regarding data from the District's Subsidence Study Phase 3;

Discussion and possible action regarding MAG Peak Factors including recommendations for Regional Water Planning Group H;

Discussion and possible action regarding a resolution formally requesting the use of an alternate/updated groundwater availability model;

Discussion and possible action regarding the DFCs and the path forward for GMA 14;

Discussion and possible action regarding next meeting date, location, and agenda items;

Meeting Adjourned;

Comments concerning any aspect of this meeting should be directed to Mr. John Martin of the Southeast Texas Groundwater Conservation District, P.O. Box 1407, Jasper, TX 75951; imartin@setgcd.org, or (409) 383-1577.

These public meetings are available to all persons regardless of disability. If you require special assistance to attend the meeting please contact the Southeast Texas Groundwater Conservation District, (409) 383- 1577, at least three working days prior to the meeting, so that appropriate arrangements can be made.

