City of Houston Bicycle Advisory Committee met Jan. 24

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Bicycle Advisory Committee Members | HoustonBikeways

City of Houston Bicycle Advisory Committee met Jan. 24.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

Call to Order. Chair Tom Compson called the meeting to order at 2:33pm.

Roll Call:

Tom Compson, Chair (P)

Alejandro Perez, Vice Chair (A)

Tracy Alexander (A)

Leah Chambers (P)

Adam J. Williams (P)

Carl B. Salazar (P)

Kristine Anthony-Miller (A)

Joe Cutrufo (P)

Lisa Graiff (A)

Trevor Reichman (P)

Jessica Wiggins (P)

Yuhayna Mahmud (P)

Nick Hellyar (A)

Ben Drews (P)

Amar Mohite (P)

Mike VanDusen (P)

Ana Ramirez Huerta (A)

Nikki Knight (P)

Robin Holzer (P)

Veon McReynolds (A)

Ex-Officio Members:

David Fields (P)

Ian Hlavacek (A) [Virginia Lynn attended for HPW]

Juvenal Robles (A)

Commander James Dale attended for HPD in lieu of Kristine Anthony Miller’s retirement. *Procedural motion to move Item #7 (Strategic Bikeways Update) to Director’s Report.

Item 1: Director’s Report. David Fields gave the Director’s Report.

Strategic Bikeways. Review of the Strategic Bikeways criteria and status update of currently funded projects. Ask for BAC to consider additional projects for funding.

1. White Oak Bayou Trail at San Jacinto: design is finished, and project is included in our upcoming construction contract advertisement. We project construction to begin this spring.

2. Main Street (Lamar to Gray): Currently at 60% design, but still projected to be in this spring’s construction.

Item 2: Chair’s Report. Chair Tom Compson gave the Chair’s Report.

We have a new administration and new council members. Encourage BAC members and bike advocates to reach out to our newly elected officials to keep the momentum going for building safe bikeways in Houston.

Celebrating Jessica Wiggins’ role in drafting the Houston Bike Plan, its approval, and participating in the BAC since its inception. The committee thanks her for her long standing service while on the BAC.

Item 3: Preventing Bike Theft-Harris County Constable Alan Rosen (Precinct 1).

The BAC recognizes the hard work Corporal Joe Bowden and Harris County Constable Alan Rosen’s office in recovering stolen bikes in their district. CPL Bowden shared advice on what riders can do to protect their bicycles and how to help law enforcement officers find them when stolen.

Item 4: Approval of October 2023 Minutes.

No changes recommended.

Motion: Wiggins Second: Chambers Vote: Unanimous Abstain: None

Item 5: Public Comment.

Lindsay Aldrich-Walsh spoke regarding the Pat Walsh Bikeway naming. Kevin Strickland spoke regarding the Pat Walsh Bikeway naming.

Item 6: Vote on Comment/Support Letters

Committee action: Approve letters after incorporating content edits recommended by committee members during discussion.

Motion: Chambers Second: Wiggins Vote: Unanimous Abstain: None

Item 7: Strategic Bikeways Update. Incorporated in Director’s Report. 

Item 8: Quarterly Updates

8A: Bikeway Fatalities and Serious Injuries.

- 2023 Fatality Report

o 15 bicycle fatalities, 1 e-bike fatality

o 5 day, 11 night

o 442 total crashes involving bicyclists

- 2024 Fatality Report

o 0 fatalities YTD

o 5 crashes involving bicyclists

8B: Bikeway Projects. Notable updates listed, not exhaustive of all projects.

- City of Houston:

o Antione Dr: 30% design

o Glenmont Dr: concept complete; collaboration with HCPCT4

o Irvington Blvd: project transferred to HCTRA/HCPCT2

o Lamar St: 30% design

o Lockwood Dr: design complete

o N Main: design complete

o Parker Rd: design complete

o Patterson/Blossom/Jackson Hill: design complete

o Polk St: construction complete

o Shepherd/Durham: construction complete

o Tuam St: construction in progress

- Harris County Precinct 1:

o Almeda Rd: construction complete

o El Rio/El Camino: construction complete

o Hill at Sims (Phase 1): design complete

o White Oak Bayou improvements: design ongoing

- Houston Parks Board:

o Sims Bayou (FM Law Park to MLK): construction complete

o Brays Bayou (Mason Park under UPRR bridge, north): construction in bidding

o Sims Bayou (MacGregor Park to 288, south): design in progress

o Sims Bayou (S. Rice to Brays Bayou Dr, south): permitting in progress

o Sims Bayou (Fondren to Braeburn Glen, south): design in progress

o Spring Branch Trail (Gessner to Shadowdale Dr): construction in progress

o Sharpstown Trail (Sands Point to Beechnut): construction in progress

- TxDOT:

o FM 1960: awaiting construction

o IH-610: preparing for design review

o Quitman St: awaiting construction; project with COH, HCTPCT2, METRO, GNMD

o MKT Trail to White Oak Bayou: preliminary design


o McGowen: construction in progress

o Mainer St: segment 3 plans under COH, TxDOT review

- TIRZ 27:

o Waugh/Yoakum/Commonwealth/Lovett: construction complete

o Hawthorne/Woodhead: construction complete

- TIRZ 15:

o Bastrop Trail: construction in progress

o Columbia Tap: construction complete

o Walker St: construction complete

- Westchase MD:

o Meadowglen: 60% design

8C: No Parking in the Bike Lane. Updates were received after the meeting and added to the post-meeting slides.

- As of 1/19/24:

o 230 citations issues (+17)

o $16,795 in fines collected (+$1,145)

o 27 completed trainings (no change)

o 3 new locations since last report

- Top/New Locations

o Top 3: 9100 Galveston Rd, 2300 Polk St, 900 Bastrop St

o New Locations (6): 3400 Blodgett St, 1000 Hawthorne St, 3300 Blodgett St, 6600 Laura Koppe Rd, 6600 Lawndale Rd, 2100 Travis St

Item 9: Open Forum

Leah Chambers: Education Subcommittee is reviewing the website. Please send feedback via email.

Jessica Wiggins: requested update on bicycling activities calendar on the website.

Trevor Reichman: recommended adding update on BCycle/future bike share transition for a future meeting presentation

Joe Cutrufo: requested update on Tour de Houston.

David Fields: in April when we receive the new appointees, we will hold chair elections and have a call for committee members to join subcommittees.

Item 10: Announcements

Upcoming Events

- 1/31, Statewide Active Transportation Plan Informational Meeting: BikeTexas is hosting a free Zoom meeting for attendees to learn about TxDOT’s Statewide Active Transportation Plan. [Registration Link]

- 2/17, GnarKids Jump Clinic: At Anthills Dirt Jumps [event info and registration] - 3/9, West Houston Trail Fest: GHORBA is sponsoring, more details to follow. - 4/6, Timberlane Trail Fest: GHORBA is sponsoring, more details to follow

Next Meetings

- Infrastructure Subcommittee: Feb 28, 2:30pm; John B. Raia Conference Room/MS Teams

- Education Subcommittee: Mar 27, 2:30pm; John B. Raia Conference Room/MS Teams

- Bicycle Advisory Committee: April 24, 2:30pm; Council Chambers/MS Teams 

Meeting Adjourned at 4:00pm.
