Brays Oaks Management District Infrastructure Committee met Jan. 11

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Sylvia Rivas, Brays Oaks Management District Board Member, receives volunteer award from Dr. Pretta VanDible Stallworth, Houston Community College Trustee | Brays Oaks Management District Website

Brays Oaks Management District Infrastructure Committee met Jan. 11.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

The Brays Oaks Management District Infrastructure Committee held a meeting via Zoom video conference on January 11, 2024, at 3:30 PM.

District Board and Committee members present: Etan Mirwis, Ralph Rieger, Cindy Chapman, Sheri Cortez

Staff members present: Xavier Herrera, Cosme Garcia

Public present: Taylor Risien – Gauge Engineering, Naomi Ostfeld, Bill Burhans – WWGC, Sylvester L. Reeder III – Houston One Voice, Brenda Jackson, Karen Rogers – M2L, Muhammad Ali – Gauge Engineering, Ronnie Plotkin, Tommy Artz – Cobb Fendley, Sharon Young

Committee Chair Etan Mirwis called the meeting to order at 3:33 PM, and the committee meeting adjourned at 4:28 PM.


1. Call to order

2. Public Comment

a. No public comments were received.

3. Minutes of 12/06/2023 Infrastructure Committee Meeting

a. Committee meeting minutes submitted for reference and review.

4. Updates & Recommendations

a. TIRZ 20

i. Committee Chair Mirwis advised that this item will be placed on the BOMD board agenda for discussion, to consider an 80/20 cost share of the Brays Oaks Study with the TIRZ.

b. Discuss Gauge Engineering proposal to conduct review of the Northfield development traffic study.

i. Committee Chair Mirwis advised the committee regarding the issue with the Northfield development and concerns regarding increased traffic due to new development. Committee Chair Mirwis advised that Gauge would be able to review the existing study and present opportunities to possible challenges.

ii. Mr. Ali advised that Gauge will review the traffic study and provide a summary document that reviews the assumptions of the study and explains the findings and the processes used to arrive at its conclusions. Additionally, they will be able to make recommendations to make the intersection safer for pedestrians.

c. Fondren Rd. Project

i. Ms. Rogers advised that she is still waiting to receive and updated project schedule. Additionally, she advised the committee that the current project manager is retiring and she will be working with the new project manager going forward.

d. Ruffino Detention Project

i. Mr. Reeder gave an update on Houston One Voice’s grant application.

e. Spellman Detention Basin

i. Committee Chair Mirwis advised that the project is out to bid.

ii. Committee Chair Mirwis advised that he would like to discuss properties in the district that are owned by the city or county with the intention to use the properties for something other than their original use, such as detention.

5. Update on Willow Waterhole Greenway trail project

a. Westbury Lake Trails

i. Mr. Burhans gave an update for the month of December. Grand opening planned for late March early April.

b. West of S. Post Oak

i. Mr. Risien gave an update on the trails West of S. Post Oak; 2.8 miles of trails; construction started on Triangle, Scout, and Heron lakes.

c. East of S. Post Oak

i. Mr. Risien gave an update on the trails East of S. Post Oak; bidding for Prairie Lake closed and recommendation to WWG to award the contract to Environmental Allies, LLC in the amount of $1.7 million.

6. Adjourn


• Consider Gauge Engineering proposal to conduct review of the Northfield development traffic study.

• Consider partnership with TIRZ 20 to conduct a Brays Oaks Planning Study with at a cost share proportion of 80/20.
