Brays Oaks Management District Business & Economic Development Committee met Jan. 10

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Sheri L. Cortez, Brays Oaks Management District Board Member, receives volunteer award from Dr. Pretta VanDible Stallworth, Houston Community College Trustee | Brays Oaks Management District Website

Brays Oaks Management District Business & Economic Development Committee met Jan. 10.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

The Brays Oaks Management District Business and Economic Development Committee held a meeting via Zoom video conference on January 10, 2024, at 10:00 am.

District Board and Committee members present: Sheri Cortez, Sylvia Rivas, Brandon Herndon Staff members present: Xavier Herrera, Cosme Garcia, Alan Bernstein

Public present: Sylvester L. (Skip) Reeder III, Angelee Rhyne, Brenda Jackson, Shavonnah Roberts Schreiber – SNR Creative, Carolina Gambrel – SNR Creative, Adrian Hernandez – State Rep. Gene Wu’s Office

Committee Chair Sheri Cortez called the meeting to order at 10:01 AM, and the committee meeting adjourned at 11:04 AM.


1. Call to Order

2. Public Comment

a. Mr. Bernstein advised the committee of stories his team is currently working on and that they are looking for interesting businesses in the district to highlight.

3. Minutes of 11/01/23 B&ED Committee Meeting

a. Committee meeting minutes submitted for reference.

4. District Updates & Recommendations

a. Development Properties

i. Committee Chair Cortez gave an update on Starbucks grand opening and anticipates a groundbreaking in early 2024.

ii. Committee Chair Cortez advised that a developer is exploring building an apartment complex on Riceville School Rd. Committee Chair Cortez is in contact with Mayor Pro Tem Castex Tatum regarding the issue.

iii. Ms. Rhyne advised that a property on W. Airport is storing dumpsters and is getting worse. Committee Chair Cortez advised that HPD DRT needs to investigate the issue.

iv. Ms. Jackson advised that she was aware that the district had already submitted the property to HPD DRT.

v. Director Rivas advised that notices did go out regarding the Riceville School Rd. development.

vi. Committee Chair Cortez advised that a next step regarding the Riceville School Rd. is to work with VMPT – Castex-Tatum on potentially purchasing the property.

b. Ruffino Redevelopment

i. Mr. Reeder gave an update on behalf of Houston One Voice regarding a new grant opportunity his organization will be applying for.

c. Branding – SNR Creative

i. Ms. Schreiber discussed ongoing projects and asked for any feedback on the impact reports. Committee Chair advised that the impact reports should be in the board book as an update.

ii. Ms. Schreiber discussed Task Order #4 and discussed items for the board. Ms. Schreiber will send mock-ups of shirts and windbreakers for review.

iii. Ms. Schreiber inquired as to where the newest deliverables should be delivered / stored. It was agreed that once the final piece of collateral is ready, all will be delivered and stored at the BOMD office.

iv. Committee Chair Cortez advised that Task Order #4 should be in the January board book.

d. Permits & Platting

1. Permits

a. Executive Director Herrera reported the number of residential and commercial permits for the month of December.

i. Detailed report available in committee packet.

2. Platting

a. Executive Director Herrera reported no new platting activity for the month of December.

e. Business PIP

i. Committee Chair Cortez advised that she has been in contact with the HPD PIP coordinator, James Sabota. A business PIP program is established and Committee Chair will work with him to create a more structured business PIP through S. Gessner.

ii. Committee Chair Cortez advised the committee that Director Herndon wants to create a sub-committee focused on providing businesses with resources.

iii. Director Herndon advised that he wants to help businesses make connections with banks and educate them on business credit. Committee Chair Cortez advised that she would like to add this as a line item on the committee agenda. Director Herndon and Committee Chair Cortez agreed to name the item, Business Resource.

iv. Ms. Schreiber inquired if Director Herndon was aware of Life Fund – Director Herndon advised that he was and would like to meet with them. Ms. Schreiber advised that she would setup a meeting between BOMD and Lift Fund.

f. Business Incentives Program

i. Executive Director Herrera advised Director Herndon is nominating Calliope’s Seafood and Po’boys to be recognized.

5. Adjourn


• Consider SNR Task Order #4 for marketing services.
