City of Houston Bicycle Advisory Committee Education Subcommittee met Dec. 20

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Bicycle Advisory Committee Members | HoustonBikeways

City of Houston Bicycle Advisory Committee Education Subcommittee met Dec. 20.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

Call to Order. Meeting was called to order at 2:37pm.

Roll Call:

Tom Compson, BAC Chair Present

Leah Chambers, Subcommittee Co-Chair Present

Jessica Wiggins, Subcommittee Co-Chair Present

Carl B. Salazar Present

Joe Cutrufo Present

Lisa Graiff Present

Ben Drews Absent

Robin Holzer Absent

Additional BAC Members Present: Tracy Alexander, Commander James Dale (HPD, in for Kristine Anthony-Miller), Amar Mohite, Mike Van Dusen

Ex-Officio Members:

David Fields Present

Ian Hlavacek Absent

Juvenal Robles Absent

• Director’s Report. David Fields gave the Director’s Report.

o The committee’s action item to outreach to fleets to incorporate our Bike Friendly Driver’s course into their training is ongoing. We’re currently in contact with CenterPoint and have sent them the training videos. They’re currently reviewing them to see how they can fit in their fleet training plans. The videos are also hosted on BikeHouston’s YouTube channel; spread the word and keep us informed as you share.

o All three priority bikeway corridors

o Hillcroft Ave: We received a Reconnecting Communities Grant and are finalizing paperwork before sending out the RFP for consultant.

o Irvington Ave: currently working with Harris County; more updates to come in 2024.

o Washington Ave: H-GAC awarded a grant for the planning study, and we kicked off this week. Public engagement will start in 2024.

• Co-Chairs’ Report. Jessica Wiggins and Leah Chambers gave the Co-Chairs’ Report.

o Jessica is stepping down from the BAC at the end of the year as she transitions into her new role at Harris County Precinct 4.

o Remember the three things the committee set out to do this year: 

o Increase bike friendly trainings by 25%.

o Update the BAC website.

o Increase participation in Bike Month activities.

• Public Comment.

o No public comments were submitted via email, nor received during the meeting.

• Vision Zero Houston Update. Sofia Font, Vision Zero Coordinator presented on the progress of the Vision Zero Action Plan since its adoption in 2020 and actions completed in 2023.

o Vision Zero Houston website

o High Injury Network Map

o Vision Zero Dashboard. A layer in the dashboard shows the most dangerous roads for cyclists.

o 2023 Infrastructure Design Manual. Chapter 15 now has a multi-modal service standard; Chapter 17 has updated bikeway design standards.

• Discussion: Future Bikeways Metrics and Data. Staff member Brian Smith II led a discussion asking the BAC’s feedback for metrics to add to routine bikeways reporting. Additions to consider:

o Information on bikeway projects in the greater Houston area—project status and funding.

o Bike events: leverage existing calendars by bike shops and cycling organizations.

o Fleet education (Bike Friendly Drivers training).

o Safe Routes to School Programming.

o Training and Education: LCI seminars hosted.

o Outreach metrics—activities, events, organizations contacted.

• Discussion: Bike Plan Website. Staff Member Brian Smith II led a discussion on subcommittee recommendations to improve content on the Houston Bike Plan website.

o Recommendation: review click-rates and what pages are engaged most often,

o Recommendation: highlight key metrics and show Bike Plan progress up front. Consider a graphic or scorecard on the home page.

o Recommendation: reactivate mailing list/routine email updates.

o Recommendation: consider moving administrative details of BAC (agenda, minutes, etc.) to City of Houston main website.

• Open Forum.

• Announcements/Events.

o Texas Statewide Active Transportation Plan. TxDOT is seeking public comments for the state’s first Statewide Active Transportation Plan. Comments must be postmarked by Nov 30th. Learn more on their website: transportation-plan.html,

o NHHIP Public Meetings. TxDOT is hosting a series of public meetings on the North Houston Highway Improvement Project (I-45).

o In-Person: 12/6, 12/11, 12/14

o Virtual: 12/7, 12/12, 12/13

o Meeting information is online: engagement/public-meeting-series-december-2023.html

• Upcoming BAC Meetings

o Bicycle Advisory Committee: 1/24, 2:30pm

o Infrastructure Subcommittee: 2/28, 2:30pm

o Education Subcommittee: 3/27, 2:30pm

Adjournment: Meeting was adjourned at 4:22pm.
