Houston Housing Authority Board of Commissioners met Dec. 19

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Houston Housing Authority Board of Commissioners met Dec. 19.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

A Meeting of the Board of Commissioners (“Board”) of the Houston Housing Authority (“HHA”) was held on Tuesday, December 19, 2023 at the Houston Housing Authority Central Office, 2640 Fountain View Drive, Houston, Texas 77057.

Chair Snowden called the meeting to order at 3:02 p.m. Secretary Northern called the roll and declared a quorum present.

Present: LaRence Snowden, Chair

Kristy Kirkendoll, Vice Chair

Kris Thomas, Commissioner

Andrea Hilliard Cooksey, Commissioner

Stephanie A.G. Ballard, Commissioner

Dr. Max A. Miller, Jr., Commissioner

David A. Northern, Sr., Secretary


Chair Snowden stated the Board has had an opportunity to review the November 14, 2023, Board of Commissioners meeting minutes and asked for a motion to adopt the meeting minutes.

Commissioner Cooksey moved to adopt the meeting minutes and Commissioner Thomas seconded the motion.

Chair Snowden asked if there is any discussion or objection to the November 14, 2023 Board of Commissioners meeting minutes. Having none, the minutes are adopted.

Chair Snowden said we will now move into our President’s Report.


Secretary Northern stated each Commissioner received a copy of the updated development detailed report and progress. In the report, there are several items. The 2024 Housing Forecast “What’s Our Next” Luncheon is scheduled for Wednesday, January 31, 2024. We are working on our Landlord Engagement Event to strengthen relationships with our landlords and we will host a ‘meet and greet’ engagement event to build upon those relationships with property managers, realtors and landlords. The CNI grant application will be ready to submit, which will bring $300M plus in infrastructure for new housing and opportunities for community members in the Third Ward area and throughout the City of Houston. We hosted the latest in a series of community meetings to get community input on the revitalization plans for Cuney Homes and the Third Ward area. The Flock Camera update was very impressive. We gathered data and insights that indicate the benefits of the new security system implemented earlier this year. The report contains detailed numbers of data for stolen vehicles, stolen plates, protection orders, missing persons, and more.

Mr. Terry Bryant, Security stated the report contains detailed numbers of data for stolen vehicles, stolen plates, protection orders, missing persons, and more. HHA and the Houston Police Department receive the same surveillance information regarding all criminal activity.

Secretary Northern stated it was a very good investment and the report reflects the 20 individual sex offenders driving vehicles on the properties.

Mr. Terry Bryant stated the camera web report will be sent monthly with updates.

Secretary Northern stated HHA’s goal is to research additional financial resources for our communities and the clients that we serve. Funding will expand options for families in the Housing Choice Voucher Program, with a focus on increasing access to opportunity neighborhoods offering high-performing schools, job opportunities, low crime rates, and essential amenities.


Chair Snowden offered the use of an interpreter to be available to Spanish speakers who may need assistance for public comments only. Ms. Elizabeth Parris was asked to introduce herself in Spanish and let the attendees know of her service.

Chair Snowden stated that speakers will be allowed three (3) minutes for public comments. Speakers will only be allowed to speak once. I will inform you when your three minutes have expired. The Board will generally not provide responses to the comments or answer any questions. However, HHA residents making comments are encouraged to clearly state their name and the property where you reside. We will have someone from the property management team or from our staff reach out to you directly regarding any issue or concern you may have.

Chair Snowden asked if there are any individuals who would like to make public comments at this time.

Ms. Glenda Williams requested three months of past-due compensation for a problematic tenant who requested to move and filed three complaints. Ms. Williams corrected two of the complaints. Ms. Williams made numerous attempts to coordinate with the tenant to correct complaint number 3. However, the tenant refused to respond to all the communication efforts. Ms. Williams stated she had copies of all the correspondence to the tenant with no response. Ms. Williams stated the Houston Housing Authority stopped payments for rental assistance while her tenant was living in the property. Ms. Williams stated this caused a major inconvenience to her and is requesting the Houston Housing Authority pay her the past due amount for the three months.

Chairman Snowden stated there are no other public comments at this time. Commissioner Miller has joined the meeting at this time.

Chairman Snowden stated the critical work done by HHA is important to the livelihood of this city and the ultimate goal is to provide safe and affordable housing. Our commitment to the Board, Leadership Team, and staff members is to consistently provide an unwavering commitment to safe and affordable housing. It is the custodial workers, the pure staff, and the front-line individuals who contribute to providing all levels of assistance for housing.

Chairman Snowden applauds Jay Mason, Director of REID, and David A. Northern, President & CEO, along with others who are utilizing the public benefits of the ongoing and future developments. We also applaud the Partners that work with us on transactions and work within the law and constraints to provide affordable housing across the city.

Chairman Snowden stated all staff directly speaking to individuals outside of the agency should represent the “voice” of the Houston Housing Authority and express the importance of work done for all of our surrounding communities.

Chairman Snowden stated we will move into new business.


Resolution No. 3722: Consideration and/or take action to authorize the President & CEO or designee to approve the 2024 Operating Budget.

Secretary Northern stated that Resolution No. 3722 will be presented by Mike Rogers, Vice President for Fiscal and Business Operations.

Mr. Rogers stated Resolution No. 3722 reads that the Houston Housing Authority Board of Commissioners authorizes the President & CEO or designee to negotiate, execute and make necessary changes and corrections to the 2024 Budget for the Houston Housing Authority for the Central Office Cost Center, Housing Choice Voucher Program, and the Consolidated Affordable Housing Program and LIHTC properties and to file Form HUD-52574 with the Department of Housing and Urban Development, pursuant to the memorandum dated December 5, 2023, from Michael Rogers, Vice President for Fiscal and Business Operations to David A. Northern Sr., President & CEO. Accordingly, staff recommends the Board adopt Resolution No. 3722.

Chair Snowden stated the Board has heard the reading of the resolution and asked for a motion to adopt Resolution No. 3722.

Commissioner Kirkendoll moved to adopt Resolution No. 3722. Commissioner Cooksey seconded the motion.

Chair Snowden asked if there is any discussion or objection to adopting this resolution. Having none, Resolution No. 3722 is adopted.

Resolution No. 3723: Consideration and/or take action to authorize the President & CEO or designee to approve the recommended changes to the Houston Housing Authority Money Accumulation Pension Plan Summary Plan Description (SPD).

Secretary Northern stated that Resolution No. 3723 will be presented by Khadija K. Darr, Sr. Vice President of Administration.

Ms. Darr stated Resolution No. 3723 reads that the Houston Housing Authority Board of Commissioners authorizes the President & CEO or designee to negotiate, execute and make necessary revisions to the Houston Housing Authority Money Accumulation Pension Plan Summary Plan Description (SPD) pursuant to the memorandum from Khadija K. Darr, Sr. Vice President of Administration dated December 11, 2023, to David A. Northern, Sr., President & CEO. Accordingly, staff recommends the Board adopt Resolution No. 3723.

Chair Snowden stated the Board has heard the reading of the resolution and asked for a motion to adopt Resolution No. 3723.

Commissioner Miller moved to adopt Resolution No. 3723. Commissioner Thomas seconded the motion. 10

Chair Snowden asked if there is any discussion or objection to adopting this resolution. Having none, Resolution No. 3723 is adopted.

Resolution No. 3724: Consideration and/or take action to authorize the President & CEO or designee to execute a contract with Emphasys Software for one (1) year to allow transition to Yardi.

Secretary Northern stated that Resolution 3724 will be presented by Roy Spivey, Director of Information Technology.

Mr. Spivey stated Resolution No. 3724 reads that the Houston Housing Authority Board of Commissioners authorizes the President & CEO or designee to negotiate, execute and make necessary changes and corrections to a contract with Emphasys Software for a new software license agreement in an amount of $572,880 for a period of one (1) year excluding possible future additional service purchases, pursuant to the memorandum from Roy Spivey, Director of Information Technology dated November 30, 2023 to David A. Northern, Sr., President & CEO. Accordingly, staff recommends the Board adopt Resolution No. 3724.

Chair Snowden stated the Board has heard the reading of the resolution and asked for a motion to adopt Resolution No. 3724.

Commissioner Thomas moved to adopt Resolution No. 3724. Commissioner Ballard seconded the motion. Chairman Snowden questioned if Emphasys increase was due to a penalty for HHA for non-renewal of contract.

Mr. Roy Spivey confirmed the Director of Sales at Emphasys explicitly stated the increase was due to Emphasys no longer being the vendor of choice and will not provide historical discounts for the Houston Housing Authority.

Chairman Snowden requested for Ms. Jennine Hovell-Cox, Sr. Vice President and General Counsel and David A. Northern, Sr. President & CEO and staff to review the contract amount.

Secretary Northern stated HHA has been working on a resolution.

Chair Snowden asked if there is any discussion or objection to adopting this resolution. Having none, Resolution No. 3724 is adopted.

Resolution No. 3725: Consideration and/or take action to authorize the President & CEO or designee to execute any and all documents, or take any other action, that is necessary or desirable to approve and enter into a Project-Based Voucher Program PBV Housing Assistance Payments Contract in relation to the acquisition and development of the Knowles-Rowland House to be located at or about 2019 Crawford Street, Houston, Texas 77002.

Secretary Northern stated that Resolutions 3725 and 3726 will be presented by Jay Mason, Director of REID.

Mr. Mason stated Resolution No. 3725 reads that the Houston Housing Authority Board of Commissioners authorizes the President & CEO or designee to execute any and all documents or take any other action, that is necessary or desirable to approve and enter into a Project-Based Voucher Program PBV Housing Assistance Payments Contract in relation to the acquisition and development of the Knowles-Rowland House to be located at or about 2019 Crawford Street, Houston, Texas 77002, pursuant to the memorandum from Jay Mason, Director of REID dated December 5, 2023, to David A. Northern, Sr., President & CEO. Accordingly, staff recommends the Board adopt Resolution No. 3725.

Chairman Snowden stated new development will house 31 additional units to the Knowles-Roland House.

Secretary Northern confirmed the new development was to replace the center that burned down.

Chair Snowden stated the Board has heard the reading of the resolution and asked for a motion to adopt Resolution No. 3725.

Commissioner Kirkendoll moved to adopt Resolution No. 3725. Commissioner Thomas seconded the motion.

Chair Snowden asked if there is any discussion or objection to adopting this resolution. Having none, Resolution No. 3725 is adopted.

Resolution No. 3726: Consideration and/or take action to authorize the President & CEO or designee to take all actions necessary or convenient to negotiate, execute, make changes to, and facilitate an easement agreement with the Buffalo Bayou Partnership; and approving such other actions necessary or convenient to carry out this resolution; and the execution of all required documents therefor.

Secretary Northern stated that Resolution 3726 will be presented by Jay Mason, Director of REID.

Mr. Mason stated Resolution No. 3726 reads that the Houston Housing Authority Board of Commissioners, authorizes the President & CEO or designee to take all actions necessary or convenient to (1) negotiate, execute, make changes to, and facilitate an easement agreement with the Buffalo Bayou Partnership granting a permanent, perpetual, exclusive easement upon, over, across and through that certain tract of land on the northern portion of the 800 Middle Street site (the “Proposed Easement Area”) and (2) approve such other actions necessary or convenient to carry out this resolution; and the execution of all required documents therefor, pursuant to the memorandum from Jay Mason, Director of REID, dated December 5, 2023, to David A. Northern, Sr., President & CEO. Accordingly, staff recommends the Board adopt Resolution No. 3726.

Jay Mason stated HHA is working with Buffalo Bayou Partnership to achieve their goals and to make the edge of Buffalo Bayou to become a destination for the residents and also the wider Houston Community and will create a continuous trail from Downtown to our property and will allow residents to access to the northside of the bayou which will provide future potential commercial activity.

Chair Snowden stated the Board has heard the reading of the resolution and asked for a motion to adopt Resolution No. 3726.

Commissioner Miller moved to adopt Resolution No. 3726. Commissioner Kirkendoll seconded the motion.

Chairman Snowden made several points. As we are good partners with Buffalo Bayou Partnership and we provided an easement across tracts of land and as we continue to do great work to provide housing, it would provide access to the north side of the bayou. The business and commerce for both the southside and northside will provide future partnership development, and the 300-plus households will contribute to the commercial purchasing power.

Chairman Snowden requested to speak with the Special Assistant to the President & CEO and/or Policy Advisory regarding advancing communication announcements for this area.

Chair Snowden asked if there is any discussion or objection to adopting this resolution. Having none, Resolution No. 3726 is adopted.

Chair Snowden stated at this time, the Board will move into Executive Session.


Chair Snowden suspended the Public Session on Tuesday, December 19, 2023, at 3:40 p.m. to convene into Executive Session to discuss personnel, legal and real estate issues in accordance with Sections 551.074, 551.071, and 551.072, respectively, of the Texas Government Code.


Chair Snowden reconvened Public Session at 4:31 p.m.

Secretary Northern called the roll and declared a quorum present.

NEW BUSINESS continued…

Resolution No. 3727: Consideration and/or take action to authorize the President & CEO or designee to execute a Memorandum of Understanding with Columbia Independence Heights, LLC for the development of Independence Heights II (the “Project”) to be located at or about North Main, Crosstimbers Road, Yale Street and 45th Street, Houston, Texas, to take such actions necessary or convenient to facilitate the development of the Project, and the execution of all required documents therefor.

Chairman Snowden stated the following resolution is an extension of Independence Heights I located across from Independence Heights II and is a fully affordable transaction and work continues in that area. We are developing Independent Heights II, which will consist of 260 units comprising affordable units at 30/50/60/80 at market rates. It is important to stress and be on record there will be some 30% beyond the 6% in this development providing affordability. This is not a PFC transaction and we continue to abide by the law and the legislative process.

Mr. Mason stated Resolution No. 3727 reads that the Houston Housing Authority Board of Commissioners authorizes the President & CEO or designee to execute a Memorandum of Understanding with Columbia Independence Heights, LLC for the development of Independence Heights II (the “Project”) to be located at or about North Main, Crosstimbers Road, Yale Street and 45th Street, Houston, Texas, to take such actions necessary or convenient to facilitate the development of the Project, and the execution of all required documents therefor, pursuant to the memorandum from Jay Mason, Director of REID dated December 6, 2023, to David A. Northern, Sr., President & CEO. Accordingly, staff recommends the Board adopt Resolution No. 3727.

Chair Snowden stated the Board has heard the reading of the resolution and asked for a motion to adopt Resolution No. 3727.

Commissioner Thomas moved to adopt Resolution No. 3727. Commissioner Miller seconded the motion.

Chair Snowden asked if there is any discussion or objection to adopting this resolution. Having none, Resolution No. 3727 is adopted.

Chairman stated he will read Resolution No. 3728 and 3729. Both of these resolutions have appeared before the Board to allow the President & CEO to negotiate the MOU and we return with those same transactions after they have completed the work and come to closing. Hence, you will see these Resolutions back on the agenda. We are establishing transparency and making sure these transactions appear before the Board twice.

Resolution No. 3728: Consideration and/or take action to authorize the President & CEO or designee to facilitate the acquisition and rehabilitation of Alexis Luxury Apartments located at or about 4604 Cypresswood Dr., Spring, Texas 77379, and the execution of all required documents therefor.

Mr. Mason stated Resolution No. 3728 reads that the Houston Housing Authority Board of Commissioners authorizes the President & CEO or authorized representative of the Houston Housing Authority (the “Authority”) to take such actions necessary or convenient to facilitate the acquisition and rehabilitation of Alexis Luxury Apartments located at or about 4604 Cypresswood Dr., Spring, Texas 77379 (the “Project”) using an ownership structure under Chapter 392 of the Texas Local Government Code and without the usage of a public facility corporation, pursuant to the memorandum from Jay Mason, Director of REID dated December 5, 2023, to David A. Northern, Sr., President & CEO. Accordingly, staff recommends the Board adopt Resolution No. 3728.

Chair Snowden stated the Board has heard the reading of the resolution and asked for a motion to adopt Resolution No. 3728.

Commissioner Cooksey moved to adopt Resolution No. 3728. Commissioner Kirkendoll seconded the motion.

Chair Snowden asked if there is any discussion or objection to adopting this resolution. Having none, Resolution No. 3728 is adopted.

Resolution No. 3729: Consideration and/or take action to authorize the President & CEO or designee to facilitate the acquisition and rehabilitation of Apex Apartments located at or about 8520 Madie Dr., Houston, Texas 77022, and the execution of all required documents therefor.

Secretary Northern stated that Resolution 3729 will be presented by Jay Mason, Director of REID.

Mr. Mason stated Resolution No. 3729 reads that the Houston Housing Authority Board of Commissioners authorizes the President & CEO or authorized representative of the Houston Housing Authority (the “Authority”) to take such actions necessary or convenient to facilitate the acquisition and rehabilitation of Apex Apartments located at or about 8520 Madie Dr., Houston, Texas 77022 (the “Project”) using an ownership structure under Chapter 392 of the Texas Local Government Code and without the usage of a public facility corporation, pursuant to the memorandum from Jay Mason, Director of REID dated December 5, 2023, to David A. Northern, Sr., President & CEO. Accordingly, staff recommends the Board adopt Resolution No. 3729.

Chair Snowden stated the Board has heard the reading of the resolution and asked for a motion to adopt Resolution No. 3729.

Commissioner Miller moved to adopt Resolution No. 3729. Commissioner Kirkendoll seconded the motion.

Chair Snowden asked if there is any discussion or objection to adopting this resolution. Having none, Resolution No. 3729 is adopted.

Chairman Snowden stated Resolution No. 3730 is a LIHTC deal meaning all units will be affordable.

Resolution No. 3730: Consideration and/or take action to authorize the President & CEO or designee to execute a Memorandum of Understanding with SLM Woodland Hills DevCo, LLC for the construction of The Arboretum at Woodland Hills, an apartment community to be located at or about 4028 FM 1960 Rd., Humble, Texas 77346.

Secretary Northern stated that Resolution 3730 will be presented by Jay Mason, Director of REID.

Mr. Mason stated Resolution No. 3730 reads that the Houston Housing Authority Board of Commissioners authorizes the President & CEO or designee to negotiate, execute and make necessary changes and corrections to facilitate a Memorandum of Understanding with SLM Woodland Hills DevCo, LLC for the construction of The Arboretum at Woodland Hills, an apartment community to be located at or about 4028 FM 1960 Rd., Humble, Texas, 77346, for the formation of housing development partnership(s) to provide additional affordable housing units, pursuant to the memorandum from Jay Mason, Director of REID, dated December 6, 2023, to David A. Northern, Sr., President & CEO. Accordingly, staff recommends the Board adopt Resolution No. 3730.

Chair Snowden stated the Board has heard the reading of the resolution and asked for a motion to adopt Resolution No. 3730.

Commissioner Miller moved to adopt Resolution No. 3730. Commissioner Ballard seconded the motion.

Chair Snowden asked if there is any discussion or objection to adopting this resolution. Having none, Resolution No. 3730 is adopted.

Chair Snowden stated Resolutions No. 3731, 3732, 3733, 3734, and 3735 are collectively extending affordability in these developments.

Mr. Mason stated these LIHTC properties are in existence with affordability at or below 60% AMI. We are negotiating an agreement, including the financing with Blackstone, to extend the affordability of these properties. Hence, the reason staff approves these transactions.

Chairman Snowden applauds HHA and the REID Department for maintaining affordability with Blackstone in the development of affordable housing.

Secretary Northern agreed we have 47,000 people on our waitlist and these five developments will assist and not add to our current waitlist.

Chairman Snowden stated this is preservation and rehab occurring in these developments. We make sure that our properties are safe and affordable.

Resolution No. 3731: Consideration and/or take action to authorize the President & CEO or designee to facilitate the acquisition of Bellfort Pines located at or about 8300 Canyon Street, Houston, Texas 77051, and the execution of all required documents therefor.

Resolution No. 3732: Consideration and/or take action to authorize the President & CEO or designee to facilitate the acquisition of Millstone Apartments located at or about 23405 W. Fernhurst Dr., Katy, Texas 77494, and the execution of all required documents therefor.

Resolution No. 3733: Consideration and/or take action to authorize the President & CEO or designee to facilitate the acquisition of Deerwood Pines located at or about 414 Maxey Road, Houston, Texas 77013, and the execution of all required documents therefor.

Resolution No. 3734: Consideration and/or take action to authorize the President & CEO or designee to facilitate the acquisition of Collingham Park located at or about 10800 Kipp Way Street, Houston, Texas 77099, and the execution of all required documents therefor.

Resolution No. 3735: Consideration and/or take action to authorize the President & CEO or designee to facilitate the acquisition of Highland Meadow Village located at or about 10990 Highland Meadow Village Drive, Houston, Texas 77089, and the execution of all required documents therefor.

Secretary Northern stated that Resolutions No. 3731, 3732, 3733, 3734 and 3735 will be presented by Jay Mason, Director of REID.

Chair Snowden asked for a motion to vote on Resolution Nos. 3731, 3732, 3733, 3734 and 3735 in seriatim. Commissioner Thomas motioned. Commissioner Ballard seconded the motion.

Chair Snowden asked for a motion to adopt Resolution Nos. 3731, 3732, 3733, 3734, and 3735. Commissioner Thomas motioned, and Commissioner Ballard seconded.

Chair Snowden asked if there is any discussion or objection to adopting Resolution Nos. 3731, 3732, 3733, 3734 and 3735. Having none, the Chairman called for a vote. All voted in favor; therefore, Resolution Nos. 3731, 3732, 3733, 3734 and 3735 are adopted.

Resolution No. 3736: Consideration and/or take action to authorize the President & CEO or designee to facilitate the acquisition of Encore Montrose located at or about 4508 Graustark Street, Houston, Texas 77006, and the execution of all required documents therefor.

Secretary Northern stated that Resolution No. 3736 will be presented by Jay Mason, Director of REID.

Mr. Mason stated Resolution No. 3736 reads that the Houston Housing Authority Board of Commissioners authorizes the President & CEO or authorized representative of the Houston Housing Authority (the “Authority”) to take such actions necessary or convenient to facilitate the acquisition of Encore Montrose located at or about 4508 Graustark Street, Houston, Texas 77006 (the “Project”) using an ownership structure under Chapter 392 of the Texas Local Government Code and without the usage of a public facility corporation, pursuant to the memorandum from Jay Mason, Director of REID dated December 6 , 2023, to David A. Northern, Sr., President & CEO. Accordingly, staff recommends the Board adopt Resolution No. 3736.

Secretary Northern stated Resolution No. 3736 is a 392 deal and not a PFC. Affordability is 50% of the units and will be affordable 20% of the units at 80% AMI below and another 25% of the units at 60% AMI below.

Chairman Snowden stated we stress and are always above the required legislative action. The idea of having at least 25% of the units at 60% AMI below is beyond the expectations of the legislative action request. This will be more of a mixed development allowed by the ruling of 392.

Chair Snowden stated the Board has heard the reading of the resolution and asked for a motion to adopt Resolution No. 3736.

Commissioner Miller moved to adopt Resolution No. 3736. Commissioner Cooksey seconded the motion.

Chair Snowden asked if there is any discussion or objection to adopting this resolution. Having none, Resolution No. 3736 is adopted.


Chair Snowden remarked this concludes the items on today’s agenda and declared the meeting adjourned at 4:49 p.m.

