North Houston District Board of Directors met Oct. 31

Webp 6
Michelle Wogan, Chiar | Transwestern Website

North Houston District Board of Directors met Oct. 31.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The Board of Directors (the "Board") of the North Houston District (the "District") met in official regular session, open to the public, at 12400 Greenspoint Dr, Houston, TX, 77060, Salon 3, on Tuesday, October 31, 2023, at 8:30 a.m.

Directors Present for all or a portion of the meeting: Terry Alexander, Kaitlin Bellon, Melody Douglas, Mozell Darthard, Cory Driskill, Margaret Eyster, Abel Garza, Michael Kasmiersky, Charles Lopez, George Lunnon, Karen Marshall, Steve Moore, Michelle Wogan, Dr. Quentin Wright and Tom Wussow thus constituting a quorum.

Directors Absent:

Staff Present: Bart Baker, Amy Craig, Karen Davis, Monica Gijon, Robert Fiederlein, Asdrubal Gutierrez, Tracy Harrison, Colleen Martin, Greg Simpson

Guests: Laura Davis, District Counsel, and Tina Poindexter of Frost Bank

1. General Business

a. Call to Order - Chair Wogan called the meeting to order at 8:39 am.

b. Determination of a Quorum - Mr. Simpson confirmed a quorum of the board based on the members present as shown above.

c. Welcome and introductions - Mr. Simpson and Chair Wogan welcomed everyone to the meeting.

d. Public Comments -Mr. Simpson introduced Ms. Poindexter of Frost Bank and she mentioned a new branch location within the District. Mr. Moore then informed the committee that he was a candidate for Aldine I.S.D. Board of Trustees.

2. Consent Agenda - Chair Wogan presented the Consent Agenda for approval, consisting of the following items:

a. Adoption of Agenda

b. Approval of Minutes of August 29, 2023 Meeting

c. Financial Activity Reports

i. Deposit Account Activity Report: through SEPTEMBER 2023

ii. Compiled Financial Statement(s): JULY/AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2023

iii. Assessment Collection Report: AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2023

iv. Delinquent Assessment Collection Report as of SEPTEMBER 2023

v. Conflicts Disclosure Statement

vi. Check Registers: JULY/AUGUST 2023

vii. Treasurer's Report

d. Refund of Penalty and Interest on a Delinquent Account

e. Ratify Prior Order Levying Assessments, Updating the Assessment Roll, Levying the Assessment, and Authorizing the Issuance of Assessment Invoices - To Fund District Programs and Projects for FY 2024

f. Line of Credit with Amegy Bank

No director asked for an item to be taken from the consent agenda for separate consideration. Ms. Douglas made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda. Dr. Wright seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.

3. Reappointment of Directors - Mr. Simpson reviewed the Director Attendance Chart and the Positions of the Board of Directors. No action was taken.

4. Resolution Authorizing the Filing of Applications with the Federal Transit Authority (FTA) for Federal Transportation Assistance - Mr. Fiederlein requested the board adopt a resolution authorizing staff to file an application with the Federal Transit administration and to execute grant and cooperative agreements as necessary to implement awarded grants. Mr. Moore made a motion to approve. Ms. Eyster seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

5. FY 2024 Proposed Budget, Administrative Guidelines and Organizational Chart - Mr. Simpson requested the Board approve the fiscal year 2024 budget and establish operating procedures and guidelines for the administration of the budget and approve the organizational structure funded by the budget. Mr. Lunnon made a motion to approve. Mr. Wussow seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. Mr. Moore abstained.

6. Professional, Service and Maintenance Contracts to Implement Programs Proposed in FY 2024 Mr. Baker requested the board authorize staff to enter service agreements with contractors who will provide goods and services funded by the FY 2024 budget and required to meet District goals. Mr. Wussow made a motion to approve. Ms. Eyster seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. Mr. Moore abstained.

7. President's Report – District Overview

a. Public Safety update - Ms. Harrison reported on the annual Apartment Managers Summit and the Faith & Blue breakfast held at Green House International Church.

b. Planning and Infrastructure update - Mr. Fiederlein reported on the status of multiple grant applications that are focused on Livable Centers Study. He also reported the status of Phase 4 and Phase 5 of the Gateway project as well as the completion of the Benmar curb restoration.

c. Field Services update - Mr. Gutierrez reported on various field services maintenance items including sidewalks at FM 525/Aldine Bender and the Greens Bayou Coalition Buckboard Park Tree Planting event.

d. Marketing and Public Affairs update - Ms. Martin provided an update on recent marketing campaigns and reported that the Fall Quadrants and E-News will be out soon.

e. Board Meeting 2024 Calendar Dates - Mr. Simpson noted the next board meeting will be on December 5th at the Hilton Hotel. He then reviewed the calendar dates for 2024.

8. Next Meeting Date - December 5, 2023 @ 8:30 am

9. Adjourn - Chair Wogan adjourned the meeting at 9:38 am.
