Harris County-Houston Sports Authority Board of Directors met Dec. 7

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Monica Hamilton - Administrative Manager & Executive Assistant To CEO | Harris County-Houston Sports Authority

Harris County-Houston Sports Authority Board of Directors met Dec. 7.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

1. Call to order and introduction of guests in attendance.

2. Action on resolution recognizing the reappointments of Martye Kendrick, City Position No. 4, and Dr. Laura Murillo, City Position No. 5, to the Board of Directors of the Harris County - Houston Sports Authority to terms ending August 31, 2025; and swearing-in ceremony relating to same.

3. Presentation and approval of the Minutes from the Board Meeting held on November 20, 2023.

4. Chairman's Report

a. 2024 Board Meeting dates;

b. 2024 Board Committees;

c. Annual Board/Staff holiday celebration; and

d. Update on Board activities.

5. 6. Chief Executive Officer's Report

s. Update on activities and sporting events.

6. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Pursuant to provisions of Chapter 551, Texas Government Code, the Board shall deliberate in Executive Session on the following: consultation with attorneys on legal matters, pursuant to Section 551.071; deliberation on real estate matters, pursuant to Section 551.072; and deliberation on personnel matters, pursuant to Section 551.074.

Reconvene in Public Session and announce any items from Executive Session; discussion and possible action on such items.

7. Discussion, review and approval of resolution approving the 2024 General and Administrative Budget.

8. Discussion, review and approval of resolution to assign the FIFA World Cup Agreement to the Sports Authority Foundation.

9. Comments by Directors, if any.

10. Adjournment.

