Spring Branch Management District Board of Directors met Dec. 6

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Houston City Council meeting | Spring Branch Management District / Facebook

Spring Branch Management District Board of Directors met Dec. 6.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

1. Determine quorum; call meeting to order.

2. Receive public comments. (A statement of no more than 3 minutes may be made on items of general relevance. There will be no yielding of time to another person. State law prohibits the Board Chair or members of the Board from commenting on any statement or engaging in dialogue without an appropriate agenda item being posted in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Law. Comments should be directed to the entire Board, not individual members.

Engaging in verbal attacks or comments intended to insult, abuse, malign or slander any individual shall be cause for termination of time privileges.)

3. Approve Minutes from November 16, 2023, Board meeting.

4. Accept automatic resignation from Director Braun.

5. Consider appointment of new board member to unexpired term position; Accept Oath of Office, Sworn Statement, and Bond of newly appointed Board Member; and Adopt List of Local Government Officers pursuant to Local Government Code, Chapter 176.0065.

6. Authorize issuance of Request for Qualifications (RFQ) and Request for Proposals (RFP) for qualified special district legal services.

7. Receive update and recommendations from Finance Committee.

a. Receive Assessment Collection Report.

b. Consider Bookkeeper’s Report and approve paying invoices.

8. Consider contract extension for flock safety.

9. Consider BIGs

a. 2031 Johanna

b. 2033 Johanna

c. 4380 Blalock

10. Conduct Budget Workshop and Consider FY2024 Budget and CIP.

11. Adjourn.

