Harris County-Houston Sports Authority Board of Directors met Nov. 20

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Janis Burke - CEO | Harris County-Houston Sports Authority

Harris County-Houston Sports Authority Board of Directors met Nov. 20.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

1. Call to order and introduction of guests in attendance.

2. Action on resolution recognizing the reappointment of J. Kent Friedman as Chairman of the Board to the Board of Directors of the Harris County – Houston Sports Authority for a term ending August 31, 2025; and swearing-in ceremony relating to same.

3. Action on resolution recognizing the appointment of Linda Morales, County Position 12; and the reappointments of Martye Kendrick, City Position No. 4; Dr. Laura Murillo, City Position No. 5; Robert Woods, City Position No. 11; Lynden B. Rose, County Position No. 6; and Chad Burke, County Position No. 9; to the Board of Directors of the Harris County – Houston Sports Authority to terms ending August 31, 2025; and swearing-in ceremony relating to same.

4. Action on resolution recognizing and commending the efforts of outgoing member of the Board of Directors of the Harris County – Houston Sports Authority, Joseph Alan Callier, County Position 12; and other matters related thereto.

5. Presentation and approval of the Minutes from the Board Meeting held on August 3, and Minutes from the Special Board Meeting held on August 29, 2023.

6. Chairman’s Report

a. Report on Board members in the news;

b. Update on Board Committees/Task Forces;

c. Annual Board/Staff holiday celebration; and

d. Update on activities of the Board.

7. Discussion, review and approval of resolution amending the Lease Agreement between the Harris County – Houston Sports Authority (Landlord), and Dynamo Stadium, LLC, (Tenant), to include appointment of Tenant as agent for Landlord for capital repairs; and other matters related thereto.

8. Discussion, review and approval of resolution delegating to the Chairman and the CEO the authority to accept the offer from Texas Department of Transportation in lieu of condemnation for the purchase of certain property at Minute Maid Park and negotiate and execute all documents in connection therewith including an amendment to the lease with the Astros at Minute Maid Park.

9. Finance Committee Update

a. Discussion and review of unaudited year-to-date 2023 investment results; and

b. Discussion and review of unaudited year-to-date 2023 financials.

10. Chief Executive Officer’s Report

a. Update on activities and sporting events.

EXECUTIVE SESSION: Pursuant to provisions of Chapter 551, Texas Government Code, the Board shall deliberate in Executive Session on the following: consultation with attorneys on legal matters, pursuant to Section 551.071; deliberation on real estate matters, pursuant to Section 551.072; and deliberation on personnel matters, pursuant to Section 551.074.

Reconvene in Public Session and announce any items from Executive Session; discussion and possible action on such items.

11. Comments by Directors, if any.

12. Adjournment.

