Houston Housing Authority Board of Commissioners met Nov. 14.
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Approval of the October 17, 2023 Houston Housing Authority Board Meeting Minutes
IV. President’s Report
V. Introduction of a Spanish interpreter.
VI. Public Comments (To Make Comments during the Public Comments Section – Please add your name to the sign-in sheet when you enter the Board Meeting)
VII. New Business
Resolution No. 3717: Consideration and/or take action to authorize the President & CEO or designee to approve dates for the 2024 Board of Commissioners’ Meetings.
Resolution No. 3718: Consider and/or take action to authorize the President & CEO or designee to execute a contract with Cardiac Solutions to provide automated external defibrillator (AED) and automatic chest compressions (ACC) devices with ancillary program management services and staff training across all HHA Public Housing Properties for the amount of $1,644,019.19 with services not to exceed (5) years.
Resolution No. 3719: Consideration and/or take action to authorize the President & CEO or designee to execute a contract with Quick Protection Inc., for security service at 8945 Forest Hollow, Forest Green Apartments in an amount not to exceed $246,479.14 per year, (based on an hourly rate of $28.13 for regular time and $36.75 for overtime and holidays) for a period of three (3) years with an option to renew for two (2) additional years in one (1) year increments.
Resolution No. 3720: Consideration and/or take action to Update Utility Allowance Rates for Applicable Public Housing Developments
Resolution No. 3721: Consideration and/or take action to authorize the President & CEO or designee to facilitate the refinance of the Heatherbrook Apartments located at 2000 Tidwell Rd., Houston, Texas 77093, and the acquisition of the limited partners partnership interests in Houston Heatherbrook Limited Partnership, and the execution of all required documents therefor.
VIII. Convene an Executive Session to discuss:
a. Personnel matters in accordance with Section 551.074 of the Texas Government Code
b. Legal issues in accordance with Section 551.071 of the Texas Government Code
c. Real estate matters in accordance with Section 551.072 of the Texas Government Code
IX. Reconvene Public Session to take action on Executive Session agenda items.
X. Adjournment