Brays Oaks Management District Infrastructure Committee met May 4

Brays Oaks Management District Infrastructure Committee met May 4.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

The Brays Oaks Management District Infrastructure Committee held a meeting via Zoom video conference on May 04, 2023, at 3:30 PM.

District Board and Committee members present: Etan Mirwis, Ralph Rieger, Cindy Chapman, Marsha Fisk, Ronald Plotkin

Staff members present: Xavier Herrera, Cosme Garcia

Public present: Muhammad Ali – Gauge Engineering, Karen Rogers – M2L, Stephen Polnaszek - NTT, Russell Schexnayder, Taylor Risien – Gauge Engineering, Aimee Turney – Rep. Gene Wu 137, Sylvester L. (Skip) Reeder III, Stephen Costello – CoH, Gerda Gomez, Brenda Jackson, Bruce Craft, Kate Brusegaard, Tommy Artz – Cobb Fendley,

Committee Chair Etan Mirwis called the meeting to order at 3:32 PM, and the committee meeting adjourned at 4:26 PM.


1. Call to order

2. Public Comment

a. Pastor Craft with Braeswood Assembly of God Church advised that the church has purchased the car wash on Willowbend and is in the process of demolishing the property and turning the property into a greenspace. The road in front of the property, Maranatha Ct. has now become a place where people are gathering. The church would like advice on how to purchase the road. 

b.Mr. Ali advised there is a process called a joint referral committee.

c. Mr. Costello advised to discuss the issue with the CoH economic development team in order to receive guidance on the process.

d. Director Chapman commended the church for their efforts regarding the car wash.

e. Mr. Reeder advised he was aware of the church’s efforts to work with the criminal element at that location.

f. Director Plotkin advised the church may approach it from an angle of making the road an extension of the church’s driveway.

3. Minutes of 04/06/2023 Infrastructure Committee Meeting

a. Committee meeting minutes submitted for reference and review.

4. Updates & Recommendations

a. Spellman Detention Basin

i. Mr. Costello gave an update on Ruffino Hills. CoH along with Harris County Flood Control district submitted a joint application for a $96 million project to excavate the part of the property owned by Bellaire and to make channel improvements to Keegan’s Bayou. Grants probably will not be issued until after the 2023 Texas legislative session, due to pending legislation to fund the Texas Flood Infrastructure Fund administered by the Texas Water Development Board, which is seeking $400 million and $1 billion dollars to fund the program. If this program is funded, it’s likely that some grant applications will be directed toward this program instead. CoH should know by early June if they will receive funding from the state. A title 9 permit to excavate is also being reviewed by TCEQ and CoH should be notified of the outcome of the application by this summer. Mr. Costello advised he will provide updates to the committee for the next couple of months. Mr. Costello will also provide a written update on the Spellman Detention Basin.

b. Fondren Rd. Project update

i. Ms. Rodgers provided an update to the committee. She advised that CoH has a fully executed AFA with TxDOT and a full schedule should be forthcoming in the next few weeks. A meeting is scheduled next week with Cheryl Harris regarding the CDA. Funds will not be due until bids are into the city. Committee Chair Mirwis inquired when BOMD will be able to give input into the design process. Ms. Rodgers advised that once the schedule is complete they will know more about the design process.

5. Willow Waterhole Greenway

i. Consider construction contract award recommendation letter and bids tabulation for Board approval. Mr. Ali advised that Gauge is working to secure bids and will provide an update once the process is complete.

ii. Consider proposals for construction management and construction materials testing. Mr. Ali reviewed the proposal for construction management and construction materials testing with the committee. Mr. Schexnayder advised that he is on the WWGC board and was not aware of the proposal. Director Chapman advised that she too is on the WWGC board and while they haven’t seen the proposal the board is aware at a high level of the projects that are ongoing at Willow Waterhole. Committee Chair Mirwis advised that the WWGC review and approve the proposal before the board approves it, additionally Mr. Burhans should be allowed to give his input on the matter. Director Chapman advised that the committee and board should not impede the progress of the projects as funds are tied to strict deadlines and goals. Mr. Schexnayder commented there needs to be a better process in place. Committee Chair Mirwis advised the item would be forwarded to the board for consideration.

6. Update on Prairie Lake Trail

a. Mr. Risien gave an update of the design phase to the committee. Gauge is at the 90% design phase for Prairie Lake Trail and hoping to submit for review next week.

7. Adjourn


• The committee recommended forwarding the Gauge Engineering proposal for construction management and construction materials testing to the board for consideration.
