Brays Oaks Management District Business & Economic Development Committee met May 3

Brays Oaks Management District Business & Economic Development Committee met May 3.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

The Brays Oaks Management District Business and Economic Development Committee held a meeting via Zoom video conference on May 03, 2023, at 10:00 am.

District Board and Committee members present: Sheri Cortez, Ralph Rieger, Cindy Chapman, Marsha Fisk

Staff members present: Xavier Herrera, Josh Hawes, Cosme Garcia

Public present: Sylvester Reeder III – Houston One Voice, Amy Cummings, Marcy Williams, Carolyn Riley – Office of Texas Rep. Gene Wu, Brenda Jackson, Barbara Hite – District K, Angelee Rhyne

Committee Chair Sheri Cortez called the meeting to order at 10:02 AM, and the committee meeting adjourned at 10:36 AM.


1. Call to Order

2. Public Comment

a. No comments made.

3. Minutes of 04/05/23 B&ED Committee Meeting

a. Committee meeting minutes submitted for reference.

4. District Updates & Recommendations

a. Development Properties

i. Director Cortez advised the committee that district staff report any developmental properties as soon as they are aware.

ii. Director Cortez reviewed an example image of what the Brays Oaks Crossing sign will look like at W. Bellfort and the Beltway – Starbucks and Seven Eleven are expected to be developed on the property. Black Bear and Molina’s are two additional restaurants looking at the property. Additionally, the feeder next to the property may be widened to include a turn lane into the property. The developer also plans to hire S.E.A.L. security.

b. Director Chapman advised that the gas station across from the Home Depot is now open. Ms. Jackson advised that it looks like space is available for a restaurant. Committee Chair Cortez advised that staff should check the ownership and in the past the district has thought about creating a welcome packet with resources for new businesses in the area. Advised that BOMD may engage SNR to create the packet.

c. Branding – SNR Creative

i. Executive Director Herrera advised that SNR will proceed with approved items: neighborhood guide, table cover, pop-up banner

d. Permits & Platting

1. Permits

a. Executive Director Herrera reported the number of residential and commercial permits for the month of April. Detailed report available in committee packet.

b. Committee Chair Cortez advised that a tour of the Eternal Gandhi Museum will be given to HCDAO office and she will pass along details to staff.

c. Ms. Jackson asked for an update on the property at 7600 W Airport. Committee Chair Cortez and Executive Director advised that no permits have been issued.

d. Ms. Ryan advised that containers and trucks from Texas Dumpsters are on the property.

e. Committee Chair Cortez advised that the district will reach out to the property owner. Executive Director clarified his contact details for committee members.

2. Platting

a. Executive Director Herrera reported there was no platting activity for the month of April.

e. Business PIP

i. Committee Chair Cortez advised that business PIP will be on hold until Sgt. Juarez returns.

f. Business Incentives Program

i. Executive Director Herrera advised D-BAT Softball & Baseball Academy was unable to join the board to receive their certificate of recognition. Staff will make arrangements to visit them at their location.

ii. Executive Director Herrera and Committee Chair Cortez advised the committee to pass along any area businesses for recognition.

5. Adjourn


• The committee did not have any recommendations.
