North Houston District Board of Directors met Feb. 28

North Houston District Board of Directors met Feb. 28.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The Board of Directors (the "Board") of the North Houston District (the “District") met in official regular session, open to the public, at 12190 Greenspoint Dr, Houston, Texas, on Tuesday February 28, 2023, at 8:30a.m.

Directors Present for all or a portion of the meeting: Kaitlin Bellon, Mozell Darthard, Cory Driskill, Melody Douglas, Margaret Eyster, Michael Kasmiersky, Al Mikolas, Dr. Quentin Wright, Michelle Wogan, and Tom Wussow thus constituting a quorum.

Directors Absent: Terry Alexander, Troy Cummins, Abel Garza, Charles Lopez, George Lunnon, Karen Marshall, Steve Moore, Richard-Slutter

Staff Present: Bart Baker, Amy Craig, Karen Davis, Robert Fiederlein, Asdrubal Gutierrez, Tracy Harrison, Colleen Martin, Greg Simpson

Guests: Laura Davis, District Counsel, Lupe Garcia of Whitley Penn and Ron McMillian

1. General Business

a. Call to Order - Chair Wogan called the meeting to order at 8:38 am.

b. Determination of a Quorum - Mr. Simpson confirmed a quorum of the board based on the members present as shown above.

c. Welcome and introductions - Mr. Simpson and Chair Wogan welcomed everyone to the meeting. Mr. Simpson introduced Mr. Garcia of Whitley Penn.

d. Public Comments -No comments from the public were made.

2. Consent Agenda - Items may be removed at board member's request; otherwise, items will be voted as a group.

a. Adoption of Agenda

b. Approval of Minutes of December 6, 2022 Meeting

c. Financial Activity Reports

i. Deposit Account Activity Report: through DEC 2022

ii. Compiled Financial Statements: OCT/NOV/DEC 2022

iii. Assessment Collection Report: NOV/DEC 2022; JAN 2023

iv. Delinquent Assessment Collection Report: as of JAN 2023

v. Investment Report: 4th Quarter 2022 (Correction) & 1st Quarter 2023

vi. Conflicts Disclosure Statement

vii. Check Registers: OCT/NOV/DEC 2022

viii. Treasurer's Report

d. Line of Credit with Amegy Bank

e. MWDBE Report

No director asked for an item to be taken from the consent agenda for separate consideration. Mr. Kasmiersky made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda. Ms. Douglas seconded the motion, and the motion passed.

3. 2022 Fiscal Year Audit Report by Whitley Penn, LLP – Mr. Garcia of Whitley Penn presented the 2022 Fiscal Year End Audit Report and provided an unmodified "clean" opinion on the district's financial statements as of October 31, 2022. Mr. Kasmiersky made a motion to accept the FY 2022 Audited Financial Statements and direct the President to forward them to TCEQ. Ms. Douglas seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

4. Reappointment of Directors - Mr. Simpson reviewed the Director Attendance Chart and the Positions of the Board of Directors. He reported that Troy Cummins has resigned from our board and requested that the Board declare his position vacant. Dr. Wright made a motion to accept Mr. Cummins resignation and declare Position #5 vacant. Mr. Driskill seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

5. Real Property Donation Agreement and Special Warranty Deed with Benmar Investments LLC for Donation of Real Property as Public Greenspace to the District - Mr. Fiederlein reported that the owners of a 7.9-acre property located on Benmar Drive next to the Lift All building have agreed to donate the property to the District as additional green space. Mr. Fiederlein requested the board authorize staff to execute the Real Property Donation Agreement and associated Special Warranty Deed to accept the property donation. Ms. Eyster made a motion to approve. Mr. Wussow seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

6. Task Order from Gauge Engineering for Engineering Services for Schematic Design of Shared-Use Paths and Sidewalks in Support of TxDOT Grant Application Mr. Fiederlein requested the Board authorize staff to approve the Task Order from Gauge Engineering for engineering services regarding schematic design of shared- use paths and sidewalks in support of TxDot grant application. Ms. Douglas made a motion to approve. Mr. Mikolas seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

7. Master Service Agreement for On-Call Transportation Planning and Engineering Services - Mr. Fiederlein requested the Board authorize staff to negotiate and execute a contract for on-call transportation planning and engineering services with Traffic Engineers, Inc. dba TEI Planning and Design. Mr. Driskill made a motion to approve. Dr. Wright seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

8. Resolution Approving Submittal of Partnership Application to Harris County Precinct 2 for Sidewalk Improvements - Mr. Fiederlein requested the Board authorize staff to submit a partnership application to Harris County Precinct 2 committing the District to $165,000 in funding if selected. Ms. Eyster made a motion to approve. Mr. Darthard seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

9. Master Service Agreement for Communications Consulting Services - Mr. Simpson requested the Board authorize staff to execute an agreement with Slate Communications to provide consulting services on a task order basis. Mr. Wussow made a motion to approve. Ms. Douglas seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

10. President's Report - District Overview

a. Public Safety update - Ms. Harrison reported on Task Force activities and noted the Public Safety calendar was now available. She also reviewed plans for the upcoming Knock and Talks, Spring Bash and Blue Star training.

b. Planning and Infrastructure update - Mr. Fiederlein gave updates on the status of the Gateway Improvement Project. He also reported on potential grant opportunities to be used for future sidewalk and trail projects that align with the Livable Centers Study recommendations.

c. Field and Services update - Mr. Gutierrez reported on key performance indicators for Field Services and provided updates on current work throughout the District. He also reported on bike park staff training and park improvements made in conjunction with the BMX Nationals coming up in March. d. Marketing and Public Affairs update - Ms. Martin provided an update on the District's marketing efforts including the public safety brochure.

11. Next Meeting Date - April 25, 2023 @ 8:30 am.

12. Adjourn - Chair Wogan adjourned the meeting at 9:55 am.
