Houston Housing Authority Board of Commissioners met Feb. 28

Houston Housing Authority Board of Commissioners met Feb. 28.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

A Meeting of the Board of Commissioners (“Board”) of the Houston Housing Authority (“HHA”) was held on Tuesday, February 28, 2023, at the Houston Housing Authority Central Office, 2640 Fountain View Drive, Houston, Texas 77057.

Chair Snowden called the meeting to order at 3:05 p.m. Secretary Northern called the roll and declared a quorum present. Chair Snowden stated we are expecting Commissioner Cooksey to arrive shortly.

Chair Snowden offered the use of an interpreter to be available to Spanish speakers who may need assistance for public comments only. Ms. Elizabeth Paris was asked to introduce herself in Spanish and let the attendees know of her service.

Present: LaRence Snowden, Chair

Kristy Kirkendoll, Vice Chair

Kris Thomas, Commissioner

Andrea Hilliard Cooksey, Commissioner

Stephanie A.G. Ballard, Commissioner

David A. Northern, Sr., Secretary

Absent: Dr. Max A. Miller, Jr., Commissioner



Chair Snowden stated at this time, Secretary Northern will conduct the election process.

Secretary Northern called for nominations for the position of Chair of the Houston Housing Authority Board of Commissioners.

Commissioner Cooksey nominated Chair Snowden for the position of Chair.

Secretary Northern asked if there are any other nominations, having none, he called for a vote to close the nominations.

Commissioner Thomas moved to close the vote on nominations for Chair, Commissioner Cooksey seconded the motion.

Secretary Northern asked if anyone opposed the close of nominations, having none, the nominations for Chair were closed.

Secretary Northern called for a vote to re-elect Chair Snowden by saying ALL IN FAVOR signify by saying aye. All Commissioners signified by saying aye.

Secretary Northern stated the vote is unanimous. Commissioner Snowden is re-elected, to the position of Chair of the Houston Housing Authority Board of Commissioners.


Chair Snowden called for nominations for the position of Vice President of the Houston Housing Authority Board of Commissioners.

Commissioner Thomas nominated Commissioner Cooksey for the position of Vice President.

Chair Snowden asked if there are any other nominations, having none, he called for a vote to close the nominations.

Commissioner Cooksey moved to close the vote on nominations for Vice President, Commissioner Thomas seconded the motion.

Chair Snowden asked there are any other nominations. Hearing none, I move that the nominations be closed and we accept Kristy Kirkendoll by acclamation

Chair Snowden called for a vote to re-elect Commissioner Kirkendoll for Vice President by saying, all in favor signify by saying aye. All Commissioners signified by saying aye

Chair Snowden stated the vote is unanimous. Commissioner Kirkendoll is re-elected to the position of Vice Chair of the Houston Housing Authority Board of Commissioners.


Chair Snowden stated the Board has had an opportunity to review the December 13, 2022, Board of Commissioners meeting minutes and asked for a motion to adopt the meeting minutes.

Commissioner Kirkendoll moved to adopt the meeting minutes and Commissioner Cooksey seconded the motion.

Chair Snowden asked if there is any discussion or objection to the December 13, 2022 Board of Directors meeting minutes. Having none, the minutes are adopted.

Chair Snowden stated the Board has had an opportunity to review the December 30, 2022 Board of Commissioners meeting minutes and asked for a motion to adopt the meeting minutes.

Commissioner Kirkendoll moved to adopt the meeting minutes and Commissioner Ballard seconded the motion.

Chair Snowden asked if there is any discussion or objection to the December 30, 2022 Board of Commissioners meeting minutes. Having none, the minutes are adopted.


Secretary Northern provided some highlights; We recently met with the Housing and Community Affairs Committee and provided information about the great work the Houston Housing Authority is doing for the city of Houston and the clients that we serve.

We also had a visit the Delegation from Nigeria's Federal Capital Development Authority. They spoke with staff and asked a number of questions so it was a great opportunity to share what we know. We took them on a tour of a few of our sites (Cuney Homes, 2100Memorial and HOAPV). It is really good to see that individuals show interest in what we're doing here at the HHA and use this as a learning opportunity.


Chair Snowden stated that speakers will be allowed three (3) minutes for public comments. Speakers will only be allowed to speak once. I will inform you when your three minutes have expired. The Board will generally not provide responses to the comments or answer any questions. However, HHA residents making comments are encouraged to clearly state their name and the property where you reside. We will have someone from the property management team or from our staff, to reach out to you directly regarding any issue or concern you may have

Chair Snowden asked if there are any individuals that would like to make public comments at this time.

Mr. Bob Orton: I come here as a Houston taxpayer and I am concerned about taking so many commercial properties, and residential properties off the tax rolls for up to 99 years. In fact, there was just a report I received on January 27 that Houston is nominated as the dirtiest city in the state of Texas. We have such a broad spectrum of issues that we need to consider, besides just affordable housing. Affordable housing is important for the growth and health of this community but I'm looking at numbers here that just the projects alone, we're going to give up $35 million in lost annual property tax revenue for up to 99 years and that's an annual number and I'm just worried about that from a budgetary standpoint in the city of Houston. I'm also a little concerned about the HHA’s operation which is in a deficit right now of over $7 million and I know that the Housing Authority has asked for refinancing but I think that the Houston Housing Authority should get their house in order before we start updating ad volarem taxes across the city.

Whitney Russell: Thank you for having us here today. I'm a resident in this area Briar Grove? and I am here to express my concern about the increase of affordable housing options and the zip codes of 77057 and 77056. There are currently 17 affordable housing options in these two zip codes and there are three new proposals, The Deerwood resolution #3598, the Tate resolution number 3626 and the Forum resolution #3547. Each of these are a mile apart from one another.

Of these 17 approved affordable housing options, 70% or 10 of them or PFC’s and are off the tax rolls for potentially 75 to 99 years. That means that in these two zip codes alone, there are approximately 2.2 affordable housing options every square mile and these are designated affordable housing options. There are over 20 apartments that are well under the rent rates of these PFC's. Over saturation densification of our public facilities of the infrastructure is aging and it's significantly strained. it's a real issue, we know it's a real issue, we've had real issues. we're asking for the HHA to assess what is currently in place in this area and seek input from the community and from City Council and to please be more transparent and communicative. As we know that I have sent more than four emails and multiple calls to request information about postponing the approval of the December 13, 2022 minutes with no response. While I appreciate the procedure and I respect it, I do I do expect communication and are hopeful that there's a way to improve it.

Allison Moss: I reside in the area. I volunteer with refugees who come to Houston. I started as a child with my friends creating that initiative and have since been most aggressively participating with Afghan refugees that came in and were in quite a situation. I also help in providing financial advice and counseling to those who have lower income and might not have other opportunities with the income that they have. In doing that, I have become more familiar with the affordable housing that's there and the extent of the unaffordable housing. I've also learned the significance of having access to the charities that are in Houston that partner with the schools and partner with the different locations when there is a concentration of those seeking housing. I have watched those refugees who are in areas who have even walkable access to organizations that are providing food pantry items, that are providing language classes and I've seen how much they flourished versus those who work in a pocket that didn't have access to those resources. It really opened my eyes to how much we empowered them when we connect them in a location with those services and the school districts that are really well supported by organizations like community and schools. When I heard about this particular area, my first concern was that I wouldn't want to put one of my refugees in one of these locations, Deerwood for example, because I have learned first-hand the difficulty they have in transportation and their connection to the organizations in our city that are just phenomenal and the difference that they can make in the lives of those who have limited income.

Linda Luke. I am a realtor and I represent 5 landlords who are putting their homes in this program for the very first time. I have had extreme difficulties getting these individuals through the process and it's been over 30 days. I've come here several times, I have emailed numerous times and left messages numerous times with no avail. The tenants are also doing as much as they can to get someone to figure out what's going on with the system. Unfortunately, one of my landlords called today and said he is pulling out of the program if he does not get any response by the end of this week. I have documentation showing the addresses, the tenant, the landlord’s name, and all the communications that I've had with the staff that's asking me to respond. You send the same paperwork over and over again. At this point, I don't know what can be done but I have five brand new construction homes that these landlords are willing to allow individuals with vouchers to rent out. I've received almost 30 calls on each house because no one is allowing vouchers to come into this area so I don't know if anyone here can't do something to help. I have a couple of days before one landlord leaves and they're all friends so when one leaves they will all leave.

Laura Kelsey: Thanks for letting us speak today. I'm here to express my strong opposition to HHA's acquisition and placement of affordable units within Deerwood Apartments and the Tate Apartments. I believe the HHA had sneakily acted without adequate oversight, transparency and community input on the Deerwood project and on similar affordable projects across Houston. These projects negatively impact the tax base on a permanent basis and it did not meet the needs of low-income clients in an efficient manner. The Deerwood project alone removes a $30 million property from the tax rolls producing $760,000 of much-needed tax funding available to the city and county and just the December 13th meeting, HHA approved moving forward on thirty of these projects which will remove $500 million from the tax rolls and reduce tax funding by $11 million a year. HHA provides no financial visibility into these projects and the projects are not audited. HHA commissioners appointed by the mayor are approving these projects with little to no oversight by the city or the impacted neighborhoods and communities. The notice for the Deerwood project was on a regular agenda for HHA and there was no notification to neighboring homeowner associations regarding this agenda item or an invitation for public feedback. The Deerwood project does not best meet the needs of HA low-income clients. The high rent area has limited mass transit availability and higher grocery food costs. It's not a walkable neighborhood. There are lower priced units readily available in the immediate neighborhood. 77056 and 77057 or over saturated affordable housing. I love our city and hate to see it being stressed financially by these projects that don't have to pay their fair share of property taxes. That just doesn't make logical sense to me and it just isn't fair when hard-working residents will have to take up the slack by paying more taxes. The money has to come from somewhere so I respectfully request HHA reconsider the designation of the Deerwood project and the Tate for the acquisition and placement of affordable units.

Doug Smith: Board members are appointed by the mayor and it appears to me that there's a lack of communication between you and the mayor and it's making the mayor look really bad in my opinion. Less than a month ago, the mayor said he wanted to pause all PFC deals and take a look at them because he didn't think they were good deals and yet today, you have 17 projects on the agenda. I'm here today to ask you to help the mayor save face and take these projects off the agenda and also, as somebody commented earlier about huge tax implications, the mayor is always talking about how the city is so hurting financially. I calculated these projects are going to take hundreds of millions of dollars off the tax rolls and at the same time you're adding students from schools and you're taking their property taxes away so please help the mayor say face. He said he doesn't want to do any more PFC projects until he can understand and make sure they are fair deals and you have to help them do that.

Wayne Dolcefino: Mr. Chairman, thank you for letting me watch that great democratic process of electing officials of the board. We are all deeply impressed. That is a great speech you gave. You really should tell these people that you're just lying, because you all are. You and I both know, because we've talked about this, well you’ve actually run away for two years, you know this is a real estate racket. You know that if you calculate the tax savings you’re giving away versus the $100 rent reduction you’ve given to a few people, that these developers are making bank. Now, either we're all stupid here or we can't count, or we're letting them do it because certain people are involved. Like the former chairman of the Housing Authority, like the wife of Commissioner Ellis, like the same law firms, like the same banks.

The last speaker said don’t make the mayor look bad. The mayor knows what's going on here. This is a game folks, the mayor had no intention of stopping it because if you remember a few years ago when there were board members that actually spoke out and weren't like sheep. They spoke out and said this is too expensive, why are we spending $60 million on dirt? Do you know what happened to them? They were gone the next week which is why nobody here has said anything which is why you keep it all the same.

The reality is the mayor can blame the legislature, you could blame the legislature, you know what you're doing. You're stealing from our children and I for one, think you're all thieves. You're stealing from our children. You're giving away tax money without the benefit of a vote of a single public official and to add insult to injury to the great folks who came from Deerwood, who deserve a little respect. You know they bought there too chairman, they own property there too. You talk about all this inclusiveness and we all want to be buddies and share, where was the respect to these people to give them the courtesy of knowing what was going to happen into their neighborhood? If someone was moving in next to your house, regardless of what it was, you'd want someone to let you know, right so stop lying to these people.

Chair Snowden stated that concludes our public comments for today. We thank each of you for coming out to participate in the meetings of the Houston Housing Authority. I hope that you will stay around and continue to possibly learn about the work that we're doing. Let's move into our public hearings.



Chair Snowden stated the Public Hearing for the Acquisition, Lease, and Operation of CORTLAND SPRING CYPRESS APARTMENTS is now open for comments If there is an individual of the public who wishes to comment on this hearing, please raise your hand for any questions or comments.

Chair Snowden stated hearing none, the Public Hearing will close with no public comments being made.


Chair Snowden stated the Public Hearing for the Acquisition, Lease, and Operation of BROADSTONE TOSCANO is now open for comments If there is an individual of the public who wishes to comment on this hearing, please raise your hand for any questions or comments.

Chair Snowden stated hearing none, the Public Hearing will close with no public comments being made


Chair Snowden stated the Public Hearing for the Acquisition, Lease, and Operation of CATHEDRAL LAKES is now open for comments If there is an individual of the public who wishes to comment on this hearing, please raise your hand for any questions or comments.

Chair Snowden stated hearing none, the Public Hearing will close with no public comments being made


Chair Snowden stated the Public Hearing for the Development of COOP AT FARMERS MARKET is now open for comments If there is an individual of the public who wishes to comment on this hearing, please raise your hand for any questions or comments.

Comment from visitor: This is the same thing that happened to us at the Deerwood. You gave no public notice, that's why there's nobody here to comment on what you're going through right now. They didn't know about it. You gave no notice to anybody. You put it on your website about one day before and that's why you're not getting any public comments. It's not fair. If we would have known, we would have been here back in November and December. Wayne Dolcefino is exactly right. You’re railroading all this through. Did you notify any of the residents about any of the things you’re talking about today? No, you didn't so how could anybody be here to give public comment on those? That's what you did to us in our neighborhood.

Chair Snowden asked if there were any other comments. Hearing none, the Public Hearing will close.


Chair Snowden stated the Public Hearing for the Development of LIVELY AT CYPRESS CREEK is now open for comments If there is an individual of the public who wishes to comment on this hearing, please raise your hand for any questions or comments.

Chair Snowden stated hearing none, the Public Hearing will close with no public comments being made.


Chair Snowden stated the Public Hearing for the Acquisition, Lease, and Operation of 5 OAKS APARTMENTS is now open for comments If there is an individual of the public who wishes to comment on this hearing, please raise your hand for any questions or comments.

Chair Snowden stated hearing none, the Public Hearing will close with no public comments being made.


Chair Snowden stated the Public Hearing for the Acquisition, Lease, and Operation of BRIAR COURT is now open for comments If there is an individual of the public who wishes to comment on this hearing, please raise your hand for any questions or comments.

Chair Snowden stated hearing none, the Public Hearing will close with no public comments being made


Chair Snowden stated the Public Hearing for the Acquisition, Lease, and Operation of TIMBERWALK APARTMENTS is now open for comments If there is an individual of the public who wishes to comment on this hearing, please raise your hand for any questions or comments.

Chair Snowden stated hearing none, the Public Hearing will close with no public comments being made


Chair Snowden stated the Public Hearing for the Acquisition, Lease, and Operation of PARC AT CHAMPION FOREST is now open for comments If there is an individual of the public who wishes to comment on this hearing, please raise your hand for any questions or comments.

Chair Snowden stated hearing none, the Public Hearing will close with no public comments being made.


Chair Snowden stated the Public Hearing for the Acquisition, Lease, and Operation of MADISON AT BEAR CREEK is now open for comments If there is an individual of the public who wishes to comment on this hearing, please raise your hand for any questions or comments.

Chair Snowden stated hearing none, the Public Hearing will close with no public comments being made


Chair Snowden stated the Public Hearing for the Acquisition, Lease, and Operation of BROADSTONE BRIAR FOREST is now open for comments If there is an individual of the public who wishes to comment on this hearing, please raise your hand for any questions or comments.

Comment from James Rains: I am with council member Mary Nan Huffman’s office. Would it be possible to provide any information on this project? Does the HHA have any information to share? Hearing no response, he stepped away from the podium.

Chair Snowden stated we are here for your public comments. We do not respond at this time. Chair Snowden asked if there were any other comments. Hearing none, the Public Hearing will close. NEW BUSINESS

Resolution No. 3612: Consideration and/or action to authorize the President & CEO or designee to Write-off vacant tenant accounts for October 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022.

Secretary Northern stated that Resolution No. 3612 will be presented by George Griffin, VP of PHO.

The Houston housing authority (HHA) reduces public housing accounts receivable balances by writing off the outstanding debt that is owed by former tenants after the debt has been deemed as uncollectible. Write-offs are typically the result of tenants with balances owed to the HHA, as a result of voluntary and involuntary move outs. HHA writes off vacated tenant accounts considered to be uncollectible. This debt includes rent, additional rent resulting from unreported income, maintenance fees, legal fees, excessive utilities and other fees

Staff recommends the Board adopt Resolution No. 3612 which reads, That the Houston Housing Authority Board of Commissioners authorizes the President & CEO or designee to write off vacated tenant accounts in the amount of $57,131.08 and make necessary changes and corrections pursuant to the memorandum from George

D. Griffin III, Vice President of Housing Operations, dated January 9, 2023, to David A. Northern, Sr., President & CEO.

Secretary Northern once these debts are written off, this information goes to a collection agency to ensure that we are paid.

Chair Snowden stated the Board has heard the reading of the resolution and asked for a motion to adopt Resolution No. 3612.

Commissioner Ballard moved to adopt Resolution No. 3612. Commissioner Kirkendoll seconded the motion.

Chair Snowden asked if there is any discussion or objection to adopting this resolution. Having none, Resolution No. 3612 is adopted.

Resolution No. 3613: Consideration and/or action to authorize the President and CEO to enter into Insurance Contracts for the Policy Year 2023 with Texas Municipal League Intergovernmental Risk Pool.

Secretary Northern stated that Resolution No. 3613 will be presented by Mike Rogers, VP of Fiscal & Business Operations.

Mr. Rogers stated Resolution No. 3613 reads. That the Houston Housing Authority Board of Commissioners, authorizes the President & CEO to execute insurance contracts for the policy year 2023 with the Texas Municipal League Intergovernmental Risk Pool with a total premium paid not to exceed $960,000, pursuant to the memorandum dated January 10, 2023, from Michael Rogers, Vice President of Fiscal and Business Operations. Accordingly, staff recommends the Board adopt Resolution No. 3613.

The Texas Municipal League Intergovernmental Pool (TML) is the leading provider of worker’s compensation, liability and property coverage for local governments in Texas. Founded in 1974 TML is the oldest and largest pool of its type in the United States. Currently, the TML pool insures over 2800 governments and political subdivisions as members. TML has been providing coverage to the Houston Housing Authority for several years. TML is the current provider of our property and liability insurance for all of our public housing properties. TML also provides our agency errors & omissions insurance, our fleet automobile insurance, our crime policy, and our worker’s compensation policy.

The preliminary billing for the policy year 2023 is $930,999.27 which includes all discounts. This preliminary billing represents an increase of 33.56% ($233,920.05) over the 2022 total premium. This is a significant increase in overall premiums the majority of which is attributed to the increase in Real & Personal property coverage. Insurance rates have been rising in Texas over the past several years and this trend has continued in the current year. There have been recent significant claims events that occurred in Texas including but not limited to the 2021 winter freeze which unlike most weather events was not geographically limited. In addition, construction material costs have increased in the COVID era which increases the cost of replacement in the event a loss is incurred.

Chair Snowden stated the Board has heard the reading of the resolution and asked for a motion to adopt Resolution No. 3613.

Commissioner Cooksey moved to adopt Resolution No. 3613. Commissioner Thomas seconded the motion.

Chair Snowden asked if there is any discussion or objection to adopting this resolution. Having none, Resolution No. 3613 is adopted.

Resolution No. 3614: Consideration and/or action to authorize the President & CEO or designee to increase the contract amount for Sankofa Research Institute to continue providing consulting services in support of the Choice Neighborhood People Plan.

Resolution No. 3615: Consideration and/or action to authorize the President & CEO or designee to increase the contract amount for Wallace, Roberts & Todd to continue providing Planning Coordinator technical assistance services for the HHA Choice Neighborhoods Planning Grant for Cuney Homes.

Chair Snowden asked for a motion to TABLE Resolution No. 3614 and Resolution No. 3615. Commissioner Thomas moved to TABLE. Commissioner Cooksey seconded the motion.

Chair Snowden asked if there is any discussion or objection to TABLING this resolution. Having none, Resolution No. 3614 and Resolution No. 3615 is TABLED.

Resolution No. 3616: Consideration and/or action to award a Contract for the Fleet Replacement to Classic Leasing for the purchase and/or lease of ten (10) vehicles.

Secretary Northern stated that Resolution No. 3616 will be presented by Mr. Cupid Alexander, Senior VP of Operations.

Mr. Alexander stated Resolution No. 3616 states That the Houston Housing Authority Board of Commissioners authorizes the President & CEO to make any necessary changes, and corrections and to enter into a contract with Classic Leasing, for the purposes of Purchasing or Leasing for three (3) years, ten (10) vehicles to replace HHA’s fleet not to exceed the amount of $400,000.00 pursuant to the memorandum dated February 14, 2023, from Cupid Alexander, Senior Vice President for Operations, to David A. Northern Sr., President and CEO. Accordingly, staff recommends the Board adopt Resolution No. 3616.

the current HHA fleet consists of four (4) operational vehicles and one (1) vehicle that is out of commission, and two (2) buses. Two (2) of the four vehicles are oversized trucks and the other two (2) are aged vehicles. Upon the purchase or lease of new vehicles, HHA Procurement will auction three (3) of the vehicles, leaving two (2) vehicles and two (2) buses for a total of fourteen (14) vehicles to perform HHA business.

Chair Snowden stated the Board has heard the reading of the resolution and asked for a motion to adopt Resolution No. 3616.

Commissioner Ballard moved to adopt Resolution No. 3616. Commissioner Thomas seconded the motion.

Chair Snowden asked if there is any discussion or objection to adopting this resolution. Having none, Resolution No. 3616 is adopted.

Resolution No. 3617: Consideration and/or take action to authorize the President & CEO or designee to take actions necessary, to (1) authorize the engagement of an appraiser to appraise certain lands; (2) to acquire tract(s) of land at or near the properties as noted in Exhibit ‘A’ attached and incorporated by reference herein, for the development of safe, sanitary, and affordable housing for public use and for public purpose, and (3) Authorize the acquisition of certain lands within the neighborhoods known as Greater Third Ward for lands at or near the properties as noted in Exhibit ‘A’ attached and incorporated by reference herein, for the purchase or, if necessary, by exercising the powers of eminent domain.

Secretary Northern stated that Resolution Nos. 3617-3620 will be presented by Jay Mason, Director of REID

Mr. Mason stated Resolution No. 3617 reads. The Houston Housing Authority Board of Commissioners authorizes the President & CEO or designee to take actions necessary, to (1) authorize the engagement of an appraiser to appraise certain lands; (2) to acquire tract(s) of land at or near the properties as noted in Exhibit ‘A’ attached and incorporated by reference herein, as well as any additional properties as deemed necessary for the development of safe, sanitary, and affordable housing for public use and for public purpose, and (3) Authorize the acquisition of certain lands within the neighborhoods known as Greater Third Ward for lands at or near the properties as noted in Exhibit ‘A’ attached and incorporated by reference herein, as well as any additional properties as deemed necessary for the purchase or, if necessary, by exercising the powers of eminent domain pursuant to the memorandum from Jay Mason, Director of REID dated February 14, 2023, to David A. Northern, Sr., President & CEO. Accordingly, staff recommends the Board adopt Resolution No. 3617.

Chair Snowden stated the Board has heard the reading of the resolution and asked for a motion to adopt Resolution No. 3617.

Commissioner Kirkendoll moved to adopt Resolution No. 3617. Commissioner Cooksey seconded the motion.

Chair Snowden asked if there is any discussion or objection to adopting this resolution. Having none, Resolution No. 3617 is adopted.

Resolution No. 3618: Consideration and/or action to authorize the President & CEO or designee to execute a contract with TRT Environmental for the demolition of thirty-one buildings at Clayton Homes Housing Development.

Mr. Mason stated Resolution No. 3618 states That the Houston Housing Authority Board of Commissioners authorizes the President & CEO or designee to negotiate, execute and make necessary changes and corrections to a contract with TRT Environmental, and make necessary changes to the Contract as required, for the demolition of the remaining Thirty-One (31) Buildings at Clayton Homes Housing Development pursuant to the memorandum dated January 24, 2023, from the Director of REID to David A. Northern, Sr. President and CEO. The Contract will be in the amount of $ 734,527.00. Accordingly, staff recommends the Board adopt Resolution No. 3618.

Mr. Mason added that TxDot has approved reimbursement of this demolition once the Federal Highway Commission authorizes the transaction to occur.

Chair Snowden stated the Board has heard the reading of the resolution and asked for a motion to adopt Resolution No. 3618.

Commissioner Thomas moved to adopt Resolution No. 3618. Commissioner Kirkendoll seconded the motion.

Chair Snowden stated he wanted to clarify a few points. This is the property that is being by gained TxDot which incurred quite a bit of damage during Harvey and displaced about 300 residents and became a part of making sure we find safe and sanitary housing for them in another location. We have quite a bit of work to do so they can stay in their neighborhood.

Chair Snowden asked if there is any discussion or objection to adopting this resolution. Having none, Resolution No. 3618 is adopted.

Resolution No. 3619: Consideration and/or action to authorize the President & CEO or designee to facilitate subordinate financing for the Smart Living Heights Apartments (f.k.a. Smart Living at West 12th Apartments), and the execution of all required documents therefor.

Mr. Mason stated Resolution No. 3619 states That the Houston Housing Authority Board of Commissioners authorizes the President & CEO or designee to take such actions necessary or convenient to secure up to $5,500,000.00 in subordinate financing for the Smart Living Heights Apartments (f.k.a. Smart Living at West 12th Apartments) (the “Project”), and the execution of all required documents therefor, pursuant to the memorandum from Jay Mason, Director of REID, dated February 15, 2023, to David A. Northern, Sr., President & CEO. Accordingly, staff recommends the Board adopt Resolution No. 3619.

Chair Snowden stated the Board has heard the reading of the resolution and asked for a motion to adopt Resolution No. 3619.

Commissioner Cooksey moved to adopt Resolution No. 3619. Commissioner Thomas seconded the motion.

Chair Snowden asked if there is any discussion or objection to adopting this resolution. Having none, Resolution No. 3619 is adopted.

Resolution No. 3620: Consideration and/or action awarding Project-Based Vouchers to KCG Development for affordable housing units at The Westermark located at or about 12716 West Bellfort Avenue, Houston, TX 77099.

Secretary Northern stated that Resolution No. 3620 will be presented by Cheryl Rivers, Interim VP of HCVP.

MS. Rivers stated Resolution No. 3620 states That the Houston Housing Authority Board of Commissioners authorizes the President & CEO to negotiate, execute, as well as, make necessary changes and corrections to conditionally award eight (8) Project-Based Vouchers to KCG Development LLC at The Westermark located at or about 12716 West Bellfort Avenue, Houston, TX 77099 pursuant to the memorandum dated January 10, 2023, from Cheryl Rivers, Interim Vice President of HCVP to David A. Northern, Sr. President & CEO. Accordingly, staff recommends the Board adopt Resolution No. 3620.

Chair Snowden stated the Board has heard the reading of the resolution and asked for a motion to adopt Resolution No. 3620.

Commissioner Cooksey moved to adopt Resolution No. 3620. Commissioner Ballard seconded the motion.

Chair Snowden asked if there is any discussion or objection to adopting this resolution. Having none, Resolution No. 3620 is adopted.

Chair Snowden stated at this time, the Board will move into Executive Session.


Chair Snowden suspended the Public Session on Tuesday, March 21, 2023 at 3:56 p.m. to convene into Executive Session to discuss personnel, legal and real estate issues in accordance with Sections 551.074, 551.071 and 551.072 respectively, of the Texas Government Code.


Chair Snowden reconvened Public Session at 4:44 p.m.

Secretary Northern called the roll and declared a quorum present.

NEW BUSINESS continued…

Resolution No. 3621: Consideration and/or action to authorize the President & CEO or designee to facilitate the acquisition of, and the placement of “affordable” units within, Cortland Spring Cypress located at or about 2539 Spring Cypress Road, Spring, Texas 77388, and the execution of all required documents therefor.

Resolution No. 3622: Consideration and/or action to authorize the President & CEO or designee to execute a Memorandum of Understanding with Civitas Capital Group for the acquisition of Cypresswood Apartments, an apartment community that will be located at or about 708 E. Cypresswood Dr., Houston, TX 7737.

Resolution No. 3623: Consideration and/or action to authorize the President & CEO or designee to execute a Memorandum of Understanding with Civitas Capital Group for the acquisition of Territory at Greenhouse apartments, an apartment community that will be located at or about the 2500 Greenhouse Rd., Houston, TX 77084.

Resolution No. 3624: Consideration and/or action to authorize the President & CEO or designee to execute a Memorandum of Understanding with Civitas Capital Group for the acquisition of Park at Tour 18 an apartment community that will be located at or about 18110 Hunters Terrace Dr., Houston, TX 77338.

Resolution No. 3625: Consideration and/or action to authorize the President & CEO or designee to execute a Memorandum of Understanding with The Morgan Group for the acquisition of Pearl Midtown, an apartment community that will be located at or about 3101 Smith St., Houston, TX 77006.

Resolution No. 3626: Consideration and/or action to authorize the President & CEO or designee to execute a Memorandum of Understanding with Avid Reality Partners for the acquisition of The Pines at Woodcreek, an apartment community that will be located at or about 21021 Aldine Westfield Rd, Houston TX 77073.

Resolution No. 3627: Consideration and/or action to authorize the President & CEO or designee to execute a Memorandum of Understanding with McDowell Properties for the acquisition of Mirabella Apartment Homes, an apartment community that will be located at or about 12055 Sabo Rd., Houston, TX 77089.

Resolution No. 3628: Consideration and/or action to authorize the President & CEO or designee to execute a Memorandum of Understanding with Pedcor Investments, for the development of Willow Creek Manor, an apartment community that will be located at or about Southwest Corner of Hufsmith-Kohrville Road and Cossey Road, Houston, TX 77070.

Resolution No. 3629: Consideration and/or action to authorize the President & CEO or designee to execute a Memorandum of Understanding with Greystar Development Central, LLC, for the development of Birchway at Bear Creek, an apartment community that will be located at or about 00 Clay Rd., and 00 Fry Rd., Katy, TX 77449.

Resolution No. 3630: Consideration and/or action to authorize the President & CEO or designee to execute a Memorandum of Understanding with Lone Star Capital, for the acquisition of Beckley Apartments, an apartment community that will be located at or about 7550 Wilshire Place Dr., Houston, TX 77040.

Resolution No. 3631: Consideration and/or action to authorize the President & CEO or designee to execute a Memorandum of Understanding with Lone Star Capital, for the acquisition of Highland Apartments, an apartment community that will be located at or about 6969 Hollister Rd., Houston, TX 77040.

Resolution No. 3632: Consideration and/or action to authorize the President & CEO or designee to execute a Memorandum of Understanding with Lone Star Capital, for the acquisition of The Meritage, an apartment community that will be located at or about 4550 North Braeswood Blvd., Houston, TX 77096.

Resolution No. 3633: Consideration and/or action to authorize the President & CEO or designee to execute a Memorandum of Understanding with Lynd Development Group, for the acquisition of Lucciola Midtown, an apartment community that will be located at or about 4001 Fannin St., Houston, TX 77004.

Resolution No. 3634: Consideration and/or action to authorize the President & CEO or designee to execute a Memorandum of Understanding with New Hope Housing, for the development of New Hope Housing Berry, an apartment community that will be located at or about 8855 McGallion Rd., Houston, Texas 77022.

Resolution No. 3635: Consideration and/or action to authorize the President & CEO or designee to execute a Memorandum of Understanding with Post Investment Group, for the acquisition of Lofts at the Ball Park, an apartment community that will be located at or about 610 Saint Emanuel St., Houston, TX 77003.

Resolution No. 3636: Consideration and/or action to authorize the President & CEO or designee to execute a Memorandum of Understanding with Civitas Capital, for the acquisition of Trails at City Park, an apartment community that will be located at or about 2201 W. Orem Dr., Houston, TX 77047.

Resolution No. 3637: Consideration and/or action to authorize the President & CEO or designee to execute a Memorandum of Understanding with Starwood Capital Group, for the acquisition of Brandon Oaks Apartments, an apartment community that will be located at or about 11111 Saathoff Dr., Cypress, TX 77429.

Resolution No. 3638: Consideration and/or action to authorize the President & CEO or designee to execute a Memorandum of Understanding with Encore Multi-Family LLC, for the acquisition of Encore Montrose Apartments, an apartment community that will be located at or about 4508 Graurstark St., Houston, TX 77006.

Chair Snowden asked for a motion to vote on Resolution Nos. 3621 through 3638 in seriatim. Commissioner Ballard motioned. Commissioner Thomas seconded the motion.

Chair Snowden asked for a motion to adopt Resolution Nos. 3621 through 3638.

Commissioner Thomas motioned, and Commissioner Cooksey seconded.

Chair Snowden asked if there is any discussion or objection to adopting Resolution Nos. 3621 through 3638. Having none, the Chairman called for a vote. All voted in favor therefore Resolution Nos 3621 through 3638 are adopted.


Chair Snowden remarked this concludes the items on today’s agenda. He thanked the Commissioners for their time and commitment.

Chair Snowden declared the meeting adjourned at 4:47 p.m.

