North Houston District Board of Directors met Dec. 6

North Houston District Board of Directors met Dec. 6.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The Board of Directors (the "Board") of the North Houston District (the "District") met in official regular session, open to the public, Hilton Houston North, 12400 Greenspoint Drive, Donatello Room, Houston, Texas 77060, on Tuesday December 6, 2022 at 8:30 a.m.

Directors Present for all or a portion of the meeting: Terry Alexander, Mozell Darthard, Melody Douglas, Cory Driskill, Margaret Eyster, Michael Kasmiersky, Charles Lopez, Karen Marshall, Al Mikolas, Steve Moore, Michelle Wogan, Dr. Quentin Wright and Tom Wussow thus constituting a quorum.

Directors Absent: Kaitlin Bellon, Troy Cummins, Abel Garza, George Lunnon, Richard Slutter

Staff Present: Bart Baker, Amy Craig, Karen Davis, Treena Dockery, Robert Fiederlein, Asdrubal Gutierrez, Tracy Harrison, Colleen Martin, and Greg Simpson.

Guests: Laura Davis, District Legal Counsel, and Ron McMillan

1. General Business

a. Call to Order - Chair Wogan called the meeting to order at 9:12 am.

b. Determination of a Quorum - Mr. Simpson confirmed a quorum of the board based on the members present as shown above.

c. Welcome and introductions - Mr. Simpson and Chair Wogan welcomed everyone to the meeting.

d. Public Comments -No comments from the public were made.

2. Consent Agenda - Chair Wogan presented the Consent Agenda for approval, consisting of the following items:

a. Adoption of Agenda

b. Approval of Minutes of October 25, 2022 Meeting

c. Financial Activity Reports

i. Deposit Account Activity Report through SEP 2022

ii. Combined Financial Statement(s): SEP 2022

iii. Assessment Collection Report SEP/OCT 2022

iv. Delinquent Assessment Collection Report through OCT 2022

v. Investment Report: 4th Quarter

vi. Conflicts Disclosure Statement

vii. Check Registers: SEP 2022

viii. Treasurer's Report

No director asked for an item to be taken from the consent agenda for separate consideration. Ms. Douglas made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda. Mr. Kasmiersky seconded the motion, and the motion passed.

3. Reappointment of Directors - Mr. Simpson reviewed the Director Attendance Chart and the Positions of the Board of Directors. No action was taken.

4. Public Hearing & Supplement to the Assessment Roll - Ms. Davis presented the findings and recommendations of the Hearing Examiners from the public hearing, an order consistent with those recommendations, and an amendment to the District Information Form. Mr. Lopez made a motion to adopt the order as prepared and to approve the amended information form. Dr. Wright seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

5. Contract for Construction of Gateway Improvement Program Phase 3 - Mr. Fiederlein requested the board authorize staff to execute a contract with Millis Development and Construction LLC for the construction of the District Gateway Improvement Program Phase 3. Mr. Wussow made a motion to approve. Mr. Alexander seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

6. President's Report - District Overview - No report was given.

7. Next Meeting Date - February 28, 2023 @ 8:30 am.

8. Adjourn - Chair Wogan adjourned the meeting at 9:19 am.