Reynolds: Partnering with an outsourcing service can make a big difference

Reynolds peakoutsourcing
James Reynolds, vice president of client services for Peak Outsourcing International |

For legal firms looking to outsource processes that are currently done in office, following a few tips and certain indicators might make a big difference in how well the partnership works. 

“It sounds pretty simple, but it's extremely complicated,” James Reynolds, vice president of client services for Peak Outsourcing International, said. “It’s a complicated process from the start to beginning.”

Many legal companies work with outsourcing businesses in India elsewhere to take care of processes that were previously done in-house. Outsourcing tasks provides a way to cut costs and also frees up employees who might be better used not spending time on menial tasks that are able to be completed by someone else, according to a legal blog

Peak Outsourcing can help a business find the right company for its needs.

"We support organizations in various aspects of the workflow to bring those records in and it's extremely important to the entire process, if you think of a legal proceeding, or what have you, whether or not you're a plaintiff or defendant, having this documentation in hand, or having this organized by a very specific timeline is extremely important for the entire proceeding,” Reynolds said of outsourcing records retrieval.

Different types of services offered by outsourcing firms include templates, reviewing documents, running company searches, legal searches, compliance to various laws, proofreading documents and patent services to name a few. 

"So it seems like a little thing, but it's actually pretty critical to the entire process," Reynolds said about records retrievals. "When you think about even just kind of the sheer volume, one of the benefits to working with an outsourced partner, or true BPO organization like Peak Outsourcing, is that you've got a sense of scale.” offered some tips that one can use when looking for an outsourcing company to work with a legal firm. Here are a few: Check the outsourcing company's website to find out what legal services niche they specialize in or offer. Find out whether the company hires interns and freelancers or professionals with experience in the field. Learn about a company's ability to meet the contract terms and the reputation that company has in the outsourcing industry. 

While there are more factors that each firm needs to research when determining what LPO matches up with the firms needs, these key points should be considered every time when looking at a new company.