Houston Firefighters Relief and Retirement Fund Board of Trustees met March 15.
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
1. Chair to call the meeting to order.
2. Pledge of Allegiance and moment of silence.
3. Comments from the public. (Limited to no more than 3 minutes.)
Deliberation and any needed actions, except as otherwise noted, concerning items 4-11:
4. Consent Agenda:
A. Approval of the minutes of the regular Board meeting held on Tuesday, February 15, 2022.
B. Approval of the report of the Pension Benefits Committee meeting held on Tuesday, February 15, 2022.
C. Approval of the report of the Budget and Audit Committee meeting held on Tuesday, February 15, 2022.
D. Approval of the minutes of the Investment Committee meeting held on Tuesday, February 15, 2022.
5. Recommendation from the Budget and Audit Committee regarding approval of expenses for Fund facilities' landscaping.
6. Update on sale of memorial benches.
7. Approval for the Chief Investment Officer to speak at the Pension Bridge Annual 2022 Conference with complimentary registration, two nights of hotel accommodation, roundtrip airfare up to $500.00, and ground transportation, to be held on April 18-20, 2022 in San Francisco, CA.
8. Approval for the Chief Investment Officer to attend the Milken Institute 251h Global Conference with complimentary registration, to be held on May 1 - 4, 2022 in Los Angeles, CA.
9. Update on meeting with the City of Houston regarding Risk Sharing Valuation Study (RSVS) scenarios.
10. Appeal of disability application.
11. Active litigation updates relating to SB 2190 in Texas 85th Legislature and declaratory judgment lawsuit relating to informal marriage.
12. Note items for a future agenda.
13. Adjournment.