'It's a global issue': Port Houston sees record number of shipment containers

Barbours Cut Terminal in the Port of Houston | Wikipedia

This marks the seventh consecutive month that Port Houston has seen double-digit growth in the number of shipping containers at its site.

Port Houston Executive Director Roger Guenther told KHOU that "for the 34 years that I've been here, I've never seen anything like this before."

Port Houston has been seeing increased activity as major ports around the United States have struggled to move cargo due to a shortage of trucks and people to drive them. Not only is there a shortage of those to transport, but there is also a shortage of chassis. According to Guenther, big-box stores are rerouting cargo to Port Houston as other ports struggle to handle the volume.

Guenther previously stated that "At Port Houston, we embrace our position as a centrally located port serving a large region of consumers. Providing efficient and predictable cargo movement through our port during an unprecedented surge in global imports continues to be a top priority for us. We expect elevated levels in the supply chain to continue well into 2022 and will continue to explore opportunities including accelerating an already aggressive capital investment strategy for our terminals to stay in front of the demand."

"We're not immune to what the other ports across the country are facing," Lisa Ashley, the port's media relations director, told the Houston Daily. "It’s a global issue.”