Jane Philip Moreland
Jane Philip Moreland was born in Beaumont, Texas on the 14th of December 1937, and passed away in Houston on Sunday, the 29th of September. She was 82 years of age.
A more detailed and specific obituary may be found on her online memorial tribute at GeoHLewis.com.
A Memorial Service is to be conducted at two o'clock in the afternoon on Thursday, the 12th of August, at St. Martin's Episcopal Church, 717 Sage Road in Houston, where (CLERGY) will officiate.
Immediately following, all are invited to greet the family during a reception in the nearby Bagby Parish Hall.
In lieu of customary remembrance, the family requests with gratitude that memorial contributions in her name be directed to the St. Martin's Episcopal Church Memorial Fund, 717 Sage Road, Houston, Texas 77056, or to the charity of one's choice.